Chapter VI : Kim Seokjin.

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It was overwhelming to say the least.

A mansion. An estate. For this to be his new residence seemed out of place. Jimin couldn't think of this as a home. In a home, you felt comfortable, safe. All he felt here was the cold realization that even if he wanted to escape from Jungkook, the chances of success were looking less and less likely. As Jimin found himself in a room that was nearly the size of his high rise, with furniture and décor that probably cost more, he found it hard to get comfortable enough to move. Afraid that if he touched anything it would crumble under his fingers and that would just be another debt for Jungkook to force on him. Another excuse to keep him chained to him. Jimin was so lost in his thoughts that a sudden knock to the door almost startled him out of his skin. He had assumed it was Jungkook, finally gracing him with his presence but that dark chocolate scent was missing. Jimin's eyes narrowed just slightly as he waited and when another knock came, it was clear that whoever it was, wanted permission to enter.

"Come in!" Jimin answered.

The doorknob turned and when the door opened, Jimin was met with the sight of probably the prettiest man he had ever seen. He was tall and lean but had perfect features and supple lips almost as thick as his own. Short brown hair that was neatly styled and the clothes he wore looked expensive but complementary to him. Soft pink and white seemed to be his chosen color scheme for the day. Jimin could tell out of instinct that this man was an Omega like him and while that should have made him relax a little, it only put him more on edge. Not knowing in what relation this man was to Jungkook and what tricks he might try. Jimin's intense thoughts must have reflected on his face because as soon as said male turned to face him, he looked a bit alarmed. Raising his hands to show he meant no harm; he offered a nervous smile.

"A – Ah, I apologize, I don't mean to intrude but I heard from Joonie – ah that you had arrived, and I wanted to come and introduce myself." The Omega said.

Jimin's brows knitted together as he tried to think of who the hell Joonie – ah could be and then it hit him. Ah, Namjoon. Jimin relaxed just slightly since Namjoon didn't give him any weird impressions during their short time together. If this male Omega was comfortable enough to give him a nickname, they must be close, maybe mates? Jimin relaxed his face and forced an apologetic smile as he stood and turned to face the other, giving a proper and respectful bow.

"No, no. Please forgive me, I guess I am still a little tense from all this change." Jimin said and when he stood, he could have damn near melted at the gentle and warm look that the man was giving him.

"No, don't apologize in the slightest, I can't imagine how stressful and uncomfortable this must all be for name is Kim Seokjin, I am Namjoon's mate and, hm, I suppose you could say adoptive parent of Jungkook?" Seokjin said, not sure about his last words as he raised a hand to his chin, looking thoughtful.

Ah, so he was right about the mate thing. Seokjin's other words caught his attention though. He blinked before his eyes narrowed a little. Adoptive parent? How was that possible when Seokjin didn't look that much older than him?

"His what?" Jimin asked, frowning.

"It is a long story that I am sure you don't want to get into after just arriving, but I just came to check and see if you needed anything?" Seokjin asked as he placed his hands on his hips, still smiling kindly, a small part of Jimin wondered if he felt pity for him.

"I'm alright for now, just trying to get my bearings." Jimin admitted.

"Understandable. It wasn't like you had much choice in the matter from what I heard but please, don't hesitate to ask me for anything you need. I don't want you to feel alone in this." Seokjin said, almost sounding as motherly as his natural aura projected.

Somehow, it helped Jimin to relax a bit more. Offering a real smile this time as he placed his hands behind him and tilted his head, his true expression of appreciation must have caught Seokjin off guard as he blushed a little and placed a hand to his face.

"I'll be fine for now. I was wondering where Jungkook is, I haven't seen him once since I got here." Jimin said.

Seokjin glanced to the side, internally realizing how Jimin caught Jungkook of all people's attention. The smaller Omega was radiant, but he could tell that Jimin was also a handful and that worried him.

Seokjin was about to answer when an unexpected voice cut in and surprised them both.

"Oh? Did you miss me that badly strawberry?" Jungkook's deeper voice sounded out as Seokjin turned and Jimin glanced past him.

Jimin's eyes narrowed a little, his smile now twisted to something forced as his brow twitched from irritation.

"I don't know if I would say that, just wondering why the person that uprooted my entire life hadn't shown himself yet." Jimin said through gritted teeth.

Seokjin could immediately feel the tension and he wasn't a huge fan of it. Clearly Jungkook hadn't told Namjoon and himself everything about this arrangement and he would make sure to get all the details before the day was out. He let out a nervous laugh before he excused himself, telling Jimin one last time to call him if he needed anything. Leaving the two alone, Jimin dropped the smile for a frown and crossed his arms as he half glared at Jungkook who walked into the room and closed the door.

"Nice of you to show yourself." Jimin said, watching as Jungkook walked towards the wall of wardrobes, slipping his black blazer off and revealing the tight fitted black silk shirt that left little to the imagination as it strained to hold Jungkook's muscles at bay.

"Sorry strawberry, I had some business to attend to that required my personal touch. Trust me, if I could have been the one to bring you here, I would have." Jungkook said, opening a wardrobe that was nothing but blazers as he pulled out a hanger.

Jimin eyed the other's back for a moment. Jungkook seemed oddly subdued today. He looked tired and ready to just collapse on his feet. Jimin shouldn't feel bad for him but a small part of him can't help but care.

"Its fine, it was probably better that you weren't." Jimin said as he moved to sit down on the end of the bed again, looking down.

"I know this isn't the most orthodox way to go about things strawberry, but I had no choice." Jungkook said, his voice suddenly close.

Jimin looked up to see the other standing over him, looking down at him with a half-lidded stare that was full of emotion towards him. Jimin couldn't help but squirm under such an intense gaze.

"No reason to say that now. Don't act as if you feel bad about any of this." Jimin said, a soft glare returned to the other.

Jungkook simply stared down at him for what felt like forever, silent. It was enough to make Jimin squirm as he averted his gaze and blushed a little.

"What?" Jimin asked.

"Hm?" Jungkook answered, clearly his mind wasn't fully there.

Jimin closed his eyes as he sighed.

"Are you going to just stand there and stare at me or what?" Jimin asked, tensing when he felt Jungkook's hand brush his cheek before slipping to his chin and tilting his head up, forcing their gazes to meet once more.

"Maybe. I can't help but admire the beauty before me." Jungkook said, smirking.

Jimin blushed even further, pushing the other's hand away but Jungkook grabbed his wrist and leaned down, closing the distance as he kissed him. Jimin wanted to resist but it was so damn difficult when it came to Jungkook. Lowering his eyes before he closed them as he couldn't help but return the kiss. Damn you! That was the thought he kept repeating in his head as Jungkook pushed him back against the bed. It seemed no matter how 'tired' Jungkook was, he always had time for that. If only Jimin knew how to properly resist him.

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