Chapter XVI : I'm Here Jimin.

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No matter how much Jungkook searched and searched he couldn't find anything that indicated Hyunwoo had lied to him. They were really gone. No amount of torture seemed enough for any of the men that served that piece of shit. Jungkook took his rage out on all of them. Until not one of them was left. He didn't care about what complications he started, the trouble or unbalance he might cause. If anything, after hearing how he brutally beat Hyunwoo to death, he'd earned some weird form of twisted respect from the other families. He didn't care. Eventually after months and months of searching, Jungkook was forced to accept it. He lost his entire family just like that. After that, Jungkook closed himself off to the idea of love. Jungkook refused to believe it was real. How could something so painful be what everyone craved to have. Jungkook hated it. Hated that it gave him everything he wanted and took it away in the same breath. Jungkook was forced to have a funeral for his boyfriend and son, empty caskets, and all. Honestly, he felt quite numb at the end of it all. Before Jungkook knew it, two years had passed. Each day felt the same to him. Going about his daily business, feeling like a blank slate with little to nothing on it. The only solace he took were his daily visits to the graves of his family.

Jungkook felt guilty that even with all his resources he couldn't find their bodies at least. The idea that they were just out there in the ocean, the cold and dark ocean, made him sick to his stomach every time he thought about it. If he had the power, he would bring Hyunwoo back just to beat him to death again and again until he told him where to find them. Jungkook sat in his office, leaning back into the seat, and turning it as he looked out the window at his view of the city. He'd matured quite a bit over the last two years especially. His demeanor was cold and unapproachable. He kept his hair long since Jimin had liked it. Only shaving down the sides. He eyed a couple of birds passing by and felt a slight ache in his chest. He spent the last two years going over and over in his head what he could have done differently to keep them safe. He never should have left them alone. Jungkook's jaw tightened as the self-loathing thoughts started to consume him again, at least cut off by the sound of his phone ringing.

Two years. It honestly felt like an eternity to Jimin.

Everyday he wished he could just pick up the phone and call Jungkook. He couldn't imagine what the other was going through. He was still surprised in the end that Hyunwoo's plan involved keeping Byungho and himself alive. He could clearly remember that day like it had just happened.


They pulled up to an airport. Jimin's face was filled with absolute confusion as he looked at Hyunwoo. The other pulled the shoulder bag off himself and tossed it in Jimin's lap. Pointing the gun at him and leaning in close at the same time.

"In that bag is a plane ticket to America and some cash to get you started somewhere. Get out, go straight to the plane, get on and kiss Korea goodbye." Hyunwoo said.

Jimin's brows furrowed.

"I – I don't understand...aren't you going to kill us?" Jimin whispered.

"Only if you don't follow instructions well enough." Hyunwoo said, glancing around to make sure no one was paying them too much attention.

Jimin looked down at the bag, he slowly reached down and picked it up. He tensed and clung to his pup when the gun was pressed into the side of his head. Closing his eyes tightly.

"Let me make something very, very clear. If you ever contact Jungkook again, I will come and find you, won't be hard. I will break both of your legs and then force you to watch while I cut your little pup up into tiny pieces and feed them to my dog before I put a bullet in your fucking skull, got it?" Hyunwoo hissed out, pressing the gun harder into Jimin's skull as he quickly nodded.

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