The hunt of the mother vampire

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We all get thrown out the kingdom's gates that close behind us
Everyone sits down in disbelief
Finn scoffs and gets up
“Finn wait!” I beg
“What? you are! Why should I wait for a person that can't tell the truth”
“Just hear me out” I grab his arm
He looks at my hand then looks away, going bright red
“Make it quick”
“I had to lie otherwise you wouldn’t have trusted me. I didn’t plan for us to get caught; I hate my step-gran just as much as you do. I wanted to help people in poverty.... but.... but then you just grabbed a piece of paper....I didn’t know what to do!” I feel tears beginning to form
“You want to know the harsh truth Rongamai....your gran is a vampire”
“Thats b*llshit” Vivian buts in
“It's not” Yuri says, still avoiding eye contact
I look at Yuri and walk towards him
“Yuri what do you mean?!” I get on my knees down to his level as Hes sitting down
“I let Finn in because Darlia is a vampire. I met him at the square earlier that day, he showed me half a map and told me your gran has the other half. The map leads to where the greatest evil known this earth is hidden.... the mother vampire. Darlia wants to reactivate it too turn everyone into vampire slaves.... a more zombified.... dumb version of vampires.... she wants to create a world where vampires are superior” I can't believe what I'm listening too
“So, Darlia wants to turn us into brainless.... weak versions of vampires” I question but Vivian buts in once again
“there's no way you believe this” She scoffs
“If you want back into the kingdom, you have to believe it” Finn says pulling out two pieces of paper
“What are you proposing” Vivian folds her arms
“We find the mother vampire, shut it down...we shut down Darlia” Finn says tapping to pieces of paper together
“And why would I help you guys” Vivan says rolling her eyes
“If we shut down Darlia, Rongamais Mother will be the next queen...meaning we can all get un-banished” Finn says opening the newly made map
By now we all get up and crowd the map

“The outlined bats are potential places where the mother vampire is hiding. I had the top left side, I have already checked around land of thieves, my next place is just outside Zariya, then skull rock” Finn points to the two
“I can stop into mermaynia while you're all there, get some supplies from my father since we got kicked out with nothing” I suggest
“Sounds good to me” Yuri smiles
“If this means I can get back into Zariya then let's do it” Vivan gives a small smirk
We’ve travelled about 30 miles on foot and by now the sun is starting to rise. I can feel myself getting weaker as I haven't had water in a while. Yuri seems to notice
“Do any of you guys have water?” he turns to face me, as well as everyone else
“You look pale Rongamai...are you okay?” Finn asks
“Shes a princess, Shes not use to using her feet” Vivian
“Thats not the reason Vivian, Shes half mermaid she needs to stay hydrated, or she gets weak” Yuri scoffs
“Whatever” Vivian rolls her eyes
“here” Finn says turning around “hop on, we only have about 10 minutes left”
“Oh no I can't...I'm not the lightest” I backed away a bit and nearly fell over my own feet
“I'm more worried about your ability to carry on rather than your weight, come on”
I awkwardly hop on his back, and we carry on our way.
By the time we get there I feel as though I'm dying. I get hit with sudden energy as my body hits a cold feeling. I can feel my legs transforming into a tail and my dress fade into only one half, as I open my eyes, I see I am in water.
“Have a good nap?” Finn teases
“Thank you” I blush a bit
“Don't mention it, you go see your father. Yuri and Vivian have already started making their way to the potential base. I just came here to drop you off, we will see you here in about 30 minutes?”
“See Ya”
I dive into deeper water and make my way to mermaynia
I turn back to catch up with Yuri and Vivian, they haven't made it far.
I jog about 2 minutes, and I’ve caught up, just to hear them bickering
“If you hadn't stalled so long it wouldn’t have looked like I was involved” Vivan pouts
“You were going to tell the queen!” Yuri snaps back
“It's my job! I had too” Vivan gets in his face
“Yeah well...I thought you would have had my back” Yuri backs away with a sad expression
She backs away also
“You two alright?” I ask
“I'm fine!” They both snarl. This is going to be a long trip....
We make it too an open cave on the beach, this looks promising.
“Get any weapons you have out” I say
“My sword was taken off me” they say at the same time
“Would you quit copying me” Vivian points her finger in his face
“Oh, quit it you two, Vivan you’re an assassin...your bound to have a hidden weapon” I point to her chest
“You want me to seduce the mother vampire?!” She gasps, grossed out.
“What?! No! I’ve met assassins before; they usually have a hidden pocket with a weapon near their chest area” I state slightly confused
She goes red
“Uh right, yeah I knew that” She checks her pocket to find a small dagger
“that’ll do” I say then looking at Yuri, I toss him a dagger I had in my back pocket
“Be careful throwing daggers!” Yuri shrieks
“You a guard you have special gloves on your hands! God do you two even know your own roles?!” I groan
“Were a bit off, we got kicked from our home...give us a break” Vivan looks down sad
“Thats fair” I continue
“Are you two ready?”
“Ready as I can be” Yuri gulps
“Of course,” Vivan starts slowly making her way into the cave, we both follow.
I see bright lights and I know I have made it; I dive down to mermaynias castle. I spot my dad outside and swim into his arms.
“Rogamai, your mother has informed me what happened...what were you thinking” He holds my arms and checks body to see if I'm hurt
“I'm fine papa, I had too because Darlia is evil. Me and some friends are going to shut down her plans” I hurriedly said
“Slow down Rongamai, you're not making sense” He looks concerned
“I'm sorry Pa but I'm in a rush. I just need some supplies if that’s okay...maybe a new outfit...not so uh...dress like” I beg
“Don't apologize Rongamai, of course I can supply you with things. Are you sure you don’t want to just live here” He suggests
“My friends are waiting for me.... uh could I also have that magic orb...the teleportation one?” I give puppy eyes
“Absolutely not! Its unstable, far too dangerous!” He scoffs
“Please Pa! I never ask for anything! Please papa please!” I plead
“Rongamai, stop” he says sternly
“Okay...Could I go get some spare clothes now?” I ask
“Yes, the guards will escort you to your old room”
“Thank you”
When I got to my room, I grab this pretty looking light blue one piece and A hard kid's toy
When the guards aren't looking, I smack them across the head. knocking them out cold, my own strength surprised me.  I grab their magic water sword and make my way to the ancient treasure room. I barge in and lock the door behind me, just in time because at that moment I hear my dad yelling. I rush around the room trying to find the orb.                         ” RONGAMAI! LET ME IN RIGHT NOW, THIS IS SO DANGEROUS!” He slams the door, making me flinch.  ”IM SORRY PA BUT I HAVE TOO” I spot a shining orb in the corner of my eye. I quickly grab it as I hear

“1” My father yells
“2” A chunk of door flies
“3” He grabs the handle
“4” He turns the handle
“5” His hand disappears
“6” The door creaks
“7” My dad storms in
“8” he approaches
“9” He reaches for my arm
Ahead of us the cave is getting dark as we are too far away from the beach's light. There is just enough light to see our close surroundings.
I hear a thud and my head begins to throb. I look up to see a rock wall
“Dead end” Vivan tsks
“Okay let's get back to Rongamai then, I'm a bit worried about her” Yuri suggests
“Worried about what? Shes most likely ditched us to live with her father. Shes probably having a 5-star meal right now” Vivian scoffs
I hear screaming and look up
I see a figure of a girl falling from the caves ceiling
She pulls her hand Infront of her and water blasts from it
At this point I realize its Rongamai, the water gives her a safer landing but there was still a loud thud.
“Ow....” She groans
“Where the hell did you come from?!” Yuri rushes towards her
I see Shes holding an orb, a nice looking blue one piece and a blue glowing sword
“So, you got us a cool looking orb, an outfit and a tacky looking sword.... Howu helpful” Vivian states sarcastically
“This orb is how I got here, it will make travelling a lot easier for us” She gets up and looks a bit wounded.
“Is” I ask
“.... No.....” she sheepishly giggles
“How did you even get your hands on this; your father has always said no to you touching his treasures”
Yuri looks confused
“He said no this time too.... I just had to use a bit more force...” She gets up
“You mean you beat your dad up” Yuri gasps
‘His guards” She corrects
“Your tougher than you look” Vivian smirks
“I used an old toy” Rongamai laughs
We all give a confused look
“Okay let's go to the next place now then” I say excitedly
“It has a 30-minute timer, I'm sorry” She looks down disappointed
“Thats fine, let's just get some rest then. We can camp in here for a bit”
Everyone agrees

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