never date a pirate

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Everyone is sound asleep, so I decide to get up and change. To be safe I change behind a rock.
‘Rongamai?” I hear a voice say, it sounds like Finn
“Yes...?” I say speed undressing
“You, okay?” Finn asks
Thank God the cave is dark, I pick up the one piece
“I'm great thanks!” I huff
“You sound a bit distressed” he says, I hear him get up.
“No! No! I'm fine” I put my legs through the pant legs in a hurry
I see his shadow approach, so I quickly pull the cloth up to my chest
He turns to face me, and I can tell he turns red, he quickly turns
“I sorry” He stutters
“It's fine” I laugh awkwardly
“I'm just going to” He points away
“You do that” I feel myself cringing
I sigh in relief and put the straps over my shoulders
I'm half asleep when I hear someone get up, I look around to see Rongamais gone
I can hear someone behind a rock nearby
“Rongamai?” I question
“Yes...?” I hear her say in a nervous tone
She seems upset
“You, okay?” I ask getting concerned
The cave is dark do I'm unable to tell what Shes doing
“I'm great thanks!” She huffs
Shes not okay...I should check on her
“You seem distressed” I start to get up, I hear her frantically move around. What on earth is she doing?
“No, No I'm fine!” She stresses
I make my way to the rock and turn to face her; I feel my cheeks heat up. A small light from the ceiling shines on her, her shoulders nearly sparkle, and the top of her breasts are exposed. She looks so smooth and delicate...for a second I'm speechless but I realize she must be extremely embarrassed. I quickly turn and apologize
“I sorry” I stutter
“It's fine” she awkwardly laughs
“I'm just going to” I point back our little camp
“You do that” She cringes
I'm such an idiot, I go lie back down left with no words. I feel my face heating up again, I smack my head to try clear it and roll over.
Rongamais Pov
“So, who's going to wake him up?” I ask
Yuri lays there snoring loudly
A smile emerges from Vivians face
“I will” she laughs running towards him
She gets down and flicks his forehead
“OW WHAT THE” Yuri shoots up smacking his head into hers
“YOU IDIOT WATCH IT” She shrieks
“YOU WATCH IT!” He snaps back
“Enough you two!” Finn shouts
“Yeah, we have more important things to deal with” I say pulling the orb from my pocket
I can see Finn staring at me from the corner of my eye, I feel myself burning up a bit
“Hold up, did something happen between the two of you?” Yuri snickers
“NO!” We both shout going red
“Something so did” Vivian rolls her eyes
‘So that’s why I heard applause last night” Yuri smirks
“Applause...? WHAT NO EW YURI” I gasp
“Enough, me and Rongamai did nothing okay? Let's just focus on our next task” Finn looks down embarrassed
I pull the orb in front of us
“So how does it work?” Vivian asks
“We just say where we want to go...but there is a catch” I say
“And that is?” Finn asks
“It has to rhyme” I explain
“Okay so we need to just above skull rock” Finn says
“That sketchy rock near Therondia?” Vivian speaks up
“yeah” He answers
“Okay everyone gathers round and put a hand on the orb” I demand
Everyone does so
“Magic orb we cherish a lot, please take us to skull rock” I chant
Finn's face gets hit with panic
“No! Ronagmai Above skul-”
I suddenly feel sand beneath my toes
We are on a beach but there's not much sunlight...I look up to see a massive rock formed like a skull
“Crap! We need to get out of here, it's dangerous! They will find us here” Finn starts speed walking off
“Who's they?” we catch up
“The pirates!” Finn groans
“Look who we have here” A voice says behind us
“Too late” Finn sighs pulling out his bow and arrow
Yuri and Vivian pull out their daggers, so I pull out my sword on my back
“You won’t need those; we don’t need to get violent” A girl in pirate like clothes approach us, behind her two men. She has long ginger brown hair in messy braids and hazel ember eyes
“What do you want Eve?” Finn asks
“You know her?” I question
“Me and finn go way back” She smirks
“Explain” Vivian scoffs
“Finns from the land of thieves, us pirates often go there since its close. Me and Finn met when we were kids and became friends...became a bit more at one point” She smirks
“Eve stop” Finn goes red
“Why? What are you into one of these women?” She comes closer and makes eye contact with me
“Is it this wimpy looking one?” She comes closer to me, and I point my sword at her
“Honey put that down you and I both know you don’t know how to use that” She hits it out of my hand
“Eve seriously leaves her alone” Finn comes to ‘save’ me, but the two men grab him
“O-o-oh its defiantly her” She laughs and continues
“So, what does she have that I don’t? Riches? Pretty hair?” She grabs my chest “Better bonkers?”
 I smack her hand away
“Feisty” She shakes her hand
“What do you want Eve?” Finn growls
“Come back Finn, I miss you” She pouts
“Eve, you slept with another man” Finn rolls his eyes
“Cut a girl some slack, you were out of town. What were you even out of town for?” Eve questions
“Same reason as now, to shut down the queen” Finn insists
“You're still hooked on that?! Finn come on, the queen's innocent” She scoffs
“Could you just let us on our way?” Yuri asks
“Let's just fight them already! 4 against 3!” Vivian bursts
“I wouldn’t even try” Eve snaps her fingers and skulls arise from the ground
“We are over Eve” Finn says sternly
“Fine, let's make a deal. Let's see how dedicated you are to this girl” She grabs me and throws me to the ground
“We aren't together!” Finn shouts
“If you can find and save her, we will show and take you wherever you need to go on this island” Eve smiles
“We don’t have time for your silly little pirate games” Finn spits
“You going to have to be”
I Feel a sudden impact against my head, everything does black.
Finns Pov
“You're going to have to be” Eve stomps her foot into the back of Rongamais head
“RONGAMAI” Both me and Yuri shout
Yuri charges at her, I catch the two men off guard and make my way to her also.
Eve throws down a ball and sudden smoke appears
Once it's clear the pirates and Rongamais gone
I look to where Rongamai was and see the orb
“Do we find her or wait 30 minutes?” Vivian questions
‘We try find her, if we can't within 30 minutes, we use the orb” I sigh
“What did you ever see in Eve?” Yuri asks
“She was a kind girl growing up, as soon as we started dating her whole personality shifted. Like she got what she wanted and didn’t need to act anymore” I facepalm looking back on it
“Thats rough buddy” Yuri pats my back
“Do you have an idea on where they would have taken her?”
“I might have an idea” I point to a trail of footprints going into skull rock
“Isn't that place cursed?’ Yuri gulps
“Do we want to save Rongamai” I ask
He nods
“Then let's go” I make my way in, the other two hesitate but follow
Rongamais Pov
I open my eyes to see a massive pit Infront of me, I try to move but my whole body's been tied in rope. I look up to see the ropes attached to the middle of the ceiling above the pit.
“Let me go!” I whine
“God your annoying!” Eve snaps
“Someone shut her up!” Eve rubs her forehead
A man shoves a rag in my mouth
Before I can spit it out, he bounds it with a rope.
I Start yelling but its muffled
“Now push her to the middle” Eve smiles
I start shaking my head frantically
The man pushes me with no mercy in his eyes
I swing from the edge to the other end of the cave, then back to the ledge. I then swing back to middle
I hang there shouting
“Fun isn't it! Isn't this fun” Eve cheers 
I continue shouting
“You're so cute! Acting like shouting will save you, so precious” Eve sits back and pulls out a flask, she takes a sip and continues
“So, you're probably wondering what will happen now. That’s fair enough, you’ll just hang there till you perish!” She starts laughing
This woman is manic!
“If your friends manage to find you, the second they run in here a 2-minute timer will go off. If they can't defeat us and get you down from there within that time frame. The rope will be cut by my trusty skull minion!” She claps her hands
“In the meantime, I'm going to go for a little walk, come on boys” The two men follow. I'm left hanging there in a room full of skeletons
We have now been roaming the endless seeming caves for 25 minutes now
“Exes am I right?” Yuri breaks the silence
“Oh, you have those do you?” Vivian rolls her eyes
I smile to myself Yuri pokes his tounge at her
“I'm worried about her” I state
“Same, Princesses aren't made for stuff like this. Whatever Shall she do if they mess up her hair” Vivian laughs
“You don’t know Rongamai and it shows. Shes a lot stronger than she comes of” Yuri snaps
“Suuuure” She sighs sarcastically
I hear walking
“Shoosh” I whisper
“I get you don’t like us fighting but shooshing us like Babys-” I cover Vivians mouth and point to the wall which now have two shadows.
We all look at the tunnel beside this one and decide to duck into it
“I swore I heard people” I hear Eve sigh
“They are probably hiding” A man suggests
“Yeah, dumbass how did you figure that one out, this way” Her voice begins to fade further down the opposite tunnel
“If they came from that way Rongamai must be down the tunnel” I whisper
“let's go then” Yuri whispers back
We all tiptoe far down the tunnel till we were out of reach of Eve and her crew
“Shes definitely down here, I can smell Vanilla & Coconut” I say outload
“You guys definitely did something. No friend memorizes a smell” Yuri teases
“You forgot I'm a thief haven't you, we have to remember stuff like that in case anyone does us dirty...I'm not saying she will but it's an instinct” I feel myself going red... that's a bunch of bullshit, she just smells nice it's a smell to remember.... doesn't mean I like her!
“Whatever you say” Yuri nudges me
We make out way to a dead end
“What the? So where did Eve and her crew come from? Were they just waiting at this dead end” Vivian states confused
“No, look just below the wall. There is half a footprint, a heel. There something behind this wall” I turn to look at them
We start to hear muffed screaming behind the wall
“RONGAMAI?” Yuri yells
The screaming continues
“We need to find a way in” I panic, the two nod and proceed to look for clues.
“What the? So where did Eve and her crew come from? Were they just waiting at this dead end” I hear a voice say. The skeletons seemed to notice too because they began preparing for battle. Crap why are they being so loud!
“No, look just below the wall. There is half a footprint, a heel. There something behind this wall” That sounds like Finn.
Are they going to come in here unprepared, I need to do something. Signal for them to find another way in, I start to scream as loud as I can.
“RONGAMAI?” A voice like Yuri yells
I start screaming again shaking my head although they can't see
“We need to find a way in” I hear a voice
No no no no!  It's helpless...I'm just going to have to hope they are prepared.
I start smacking the wall, I can feel my hands bruising but I don’t care. I need to save her
I eventually here a crack and at first, I was unsure if it was my hand or the wall.
The wall starts to slide open; I quickly pull out my bow and arrow. Yuri picks up Rongamis Sword and Vivian pulls out her dagger.
The wall opens and what I see petrifies me
Rongamais hanging from the ceiling above a massive pit, this is bad.... really bad
Without time to think I hear Bones smacking against each other I look down and skeletons are charging at us. I Prepare my bow and start firing arrow after arrow, Yuri charges in with the sword and kicks skeleton butt. Vivian starts running up a ledge to make her way to Rongamai, Pushing any skeleton in the way.
Surprisingly we all work very well together. As Vivian is just about to make it to Rongamai Eve walks in
“I wouldn’t run further Vivian you’ll kill the girl” Eve snarls
Vivian looks down and steps back quickly
“Booby trap” Vivian tsks
“Good job!” Eve applauds and continues
“I thought you would all take longer so I had a 2-minute timer going. You killed my army in 30 embarrassing. But that’s fine you have about 1 minute to take us down till the rope gets cut!” Eve licks her lips well pulling out a pirate sword
Me and Yuri charge at the two men who are both now armed with swords
Vivian comes charging down on Eve, her face full of thunder.
Me and Yuri take down the men pretty easily they aren't the strongest
Vivians, about a meter away from Eve. Eve gets ready to attack but ends up on the floor in one punch. Vivian leaps on top of her and starts smacking her
“Vivian that’s enough” I demand
Eve smirks, with blood running down her nose
“30 seconds” she cackles
Adrenaline pumps though my veins, I full sprint up the ledges setting the trap off, I jump to Rongamai, sending us flying to the other side of the wall. I grab onto the other ledge on the side and hang on for dear life. I hold her tight in my arm well my hand is starting to slip off the edge. I am in so much pain, but I must keep pushing. Luckily Yuri and Vivian start running up to the edge. As I feel myself slipping, I feel two arms grab my hand. They pull us up and we all sit there for a bit on the ledge, puffed. Suddenly all the skeletons got back up and Eve starts laughing
“You really think you can KILL skeletons” She begins to get up
Vivian pulls out the orb from her pocket and begins to chant
“Magical orb strong and brave, get us the f*ck out of this cave”
I blink and we are outside back on the beach
I pick up rongmai as we had no time to untie her, we all start to run off the beach.
Without looking back, we make our way down to Findara.
We end up in a forest where we settle down
I place rongmai down on the ground and untie the rag around her mouth
“Thank you” She takes a big breath
I smile and begin to untie her body with a spare dagger I have. She immediately gets up and stretches
“Did they harm you in any way?” Yuri asks to get protective
Rongamai shakes her head
“Good” he says sternly
“We can take a rest but then we will go to Findara and ‘rent’ a boat” I say
“So, we're going to steal a boat?” Rongamai smirks
“Yes....and you’re a crucial role in this plan”
Rongami looks at me confused

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