Love makes you crazy

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When I'm sailing the boat, I can't help but ease drop on Serena and Rongamai
“H-er.... brash...” Serena says confused
“Hairbrush” Rongamai giggles
Serena also laughs
Her laugh is so cute...and Shes so nice and sweet. If she didn’t give Serena a chance, we wouldn't be here right now. I smile to myself as I listen to her voice
“You don’t happen to like my sister, do you?” Yuri pipes in
“Your sister? Who's your sister?” I ask confused
“Oh, that’s right you haven't been here long. I was adopted into the royal family young, so Rongamai is like a sister to me” Yuri pats my back
“Oh, in that case then and Rongamai are just friends” I assure
“Friends don’t blush from the sound of a voice” He nudges me
“I'm not blushing!” I say looking away
“Are so” He teases
“Are not”
“Okay okay! Keep your voice down, would you?” I snap
“So, you do?” Yuri smirks
“I don’t know...maybe?” I turn to look at her and Shes smiling away, her hair blows in the wind and her eyes shimmer. I suddenly get a funny feeling in my stomach
“Oh, you're down bad!” Yuri laughs
“I'm just sleep deprived; I'm not thinking straight” I tsk
“Whatever you say” Yuri goes and sits down by Vivian
I’ve noticed those two have gotten closer, they no longer bicker. In fact, since the market day, they actually seem to get along.
I look go to look at rongamai and see its only Serena sitting there, half asleep. I start to panic, until I hear a splash beside me
“Hey, you” Rongamai says, Shes swimming beside the boat
“H-Hey” I stutter
“What a beautiful night” she says turning onto her back and looking at the stars
“Yeah...” I also look up
I look back down to see her staring at me
“You, okay?” I ask nervously
“What's going to happen after we defeat the great evil?” She asks out of the blue
“You guys can go back home.... I sense you're not so happy about that?” I crouch down to her level
“When I get back, I have to marry the elf prince. It’ll be back to no freedom” she says fidgeting with the rim of the boat
“Not so crazy about him?” I ask
“Not at all, certainly not my type” She huffs
“What is your type?” I ask in curiosity
She blushes a bit
“I don’t know...someone to take me out of my comfort! And he must have dreamy mysterious eyes-”
I interrupt by kissing her lips
To my surprise she kisses back
When I back away too met her eyes Shes looking at me confused
“You alright? You zoned out for a second” She asks
That wasn’t real...? I seriously need to snap out of this. I don’t have time for romance
“Yeah, I'm fine” I smiled awkwardly
“Ok, I'm just going to go for a little swim. I'll be back in about 10” She waves goodbye and dives further into the water
I wave slowly although Shes gone, I sink down and sit there...lost in thought.
As I swim deeper into the ocean, I begin to get an airy feeling. 
I turn to see a shadow of a man
“Who are you?” I demand
“You can't run from me forever Rongamai” The man comes closer, and I realize it’s the elf prince.
“ are you under the water...?” I swim closer to him, checking around his body to try find some amulet. Around his neck I see a necklace similar to mine, he seems to notice I’ve seen it and fidgets with it
“You like it? Your father gave it to me” He puts his hand on my shoulder but I back away
“What are you doing here?” I ask
“To bring you home, Darlia changed her mind” His eyes suddenly seem dimmer
“I'm not going with you” I stand my ground
“You're going to love me Rongamai” He comes closer and holds up his amulet that’s now shining pink
“I will never....” The pink shines brighter, I can't help but notice how handsome the elf prince really is
“Never what my love?” He gives a sinister smile
My heart suddenly skips a beat, butterflies swirl around my stomach. Hes just I just want to be with him, so bad. I will do anything for this man.... anything.
“Never leave you” I swoon coming closer to him
“Good girl” he says stroking my check and continues
“Now darling, take me to the great evil” He kisses me
How could I say no....I love him...with all my heart
“Of course,” I smile
I now worry for's been an hour
I look down and suddenly see her figure swim up, but there is someone alongside her...who is that?
Her head pops up and soon does a man's, he has elf ears and white, blonde this who she has to marry?
“Finn is it?” He goes to shake my hand, but I refuse
“I must say you did a great job of protecting my fiancé. She looks untouched” He creases her face; she smiles and him. I feel this overwhelming anger seep though, what's he doing with her?! Better off who does he think he is
“Yeah, and as long as Shes far away from you, she will stay that way” I look him up and down
“Woah there, didn’t mean to pinch a nerve. I'm a good guy Finn and I'm good for Rongamai” His eyes have evil intentions behind them, I just know it.
“Yeah, yeah just SOOO....good. Hense the reason she doesn’t even want to marry you!” I spit
“Is that right?” He turns to face rongamai and gets so close their lips are nearly touching
“Is that right? love?” He smirks
“no” she kisses him
“WHAT THE HELL RONGAMAI!” I yell waking everyone up
She looks at me, face full of anger
“I thought you would be happy for me Finn!” She whines
Yuri suddenly comes beside me
“What are you doing with him?’ Yuri gasps
“I'm going back to Zariya with him” She clings onto his arm and stares at his face, blushing.
“So, you're just going to ditch us? After everything? What about the great evil!” I feel tears forming
“You don’t have to worry about that finn, leave that for the professionals” The elf prince grins at me
“What's that supposed to mean?”  I demand, now grabbing him by the collar
“It means Rongamai will take me and my army to Valarie, and we will take them down” He answers
I punch that sucker in the face
“This is bullshit, come on Rongamai lets go” I offer her my hand, but she just stares at it
“Rongamai please.... you can't be for real” My voice begins to break
“I love him Finn” She grabs his arm and swims deeper into the water
I kick a spare bucket on the boat
“How could she do that?!” I vent aloud
“You seriously think Rongamai would just ditch us like that? Shes clearly under some spell” Yuri pops in
“I sure hope so...we need to get her back” I say suddenly
“How?” Vivian asks
I take out the orb from Rongamais bag
“This” I indicate everyone to put their hand on it
“I’ll do it” Yuri offers and begins to chant
“After all this we need a vacation, please take us to the final location”
I see a flash and we end up in a huge dungeon
“I sense great power in here” Yuri says
“What do we do now” Serena asks
“We wait till the elf prince gets here, and we ambush them” I say
It's been about an hour, and we finally made it to Valaire
I'm skipping along holding the elf princes' arm, I'm so happy.
“Rongamai...dear...could you maybe stop being so clingy” He pushes me away slightly
I feel tears start to rise
“I can't help it! I just want to be with you!” She clings back on
“STOP” He shouts, I start to cry
He sighs and hugs me
“I'm just stressed darling.... I promise as soon as we get back to Zariya, you can cuddle me for as long as you, please” He kisses my forehead
I smile and hug him tight one last time
“Okay!” I giggle
“Good girl” he pats my head and continues walking
After what seems like forever, we finally make it too a huge temple
I see him look at my amulet
“Honey, may you please give me that” He grabs it and slowly pulls it off my neck
I smile in agreement
“You don’t need this; I can protect you” he kisses my forehead
He wants to protect me! Hes so dreamy
“After you” he bows
“Why thank you good sir” I laugh and make my way in.
He laughs at my joke...I made him laugh!
“It's been forever let's just go in” Vivian sighs
“We are going to run out of time Finn” Serena pleads
“Fine, but someone needs to guard the door” I snap
“I will” Yuri Volunteers
“Okay” I give him a nod while Vivian and Serena make our way inside

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