whats his name

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" get off her Harold." the blonde said as he tanked him off me because he wad trying to pull off my shirt.

"come on Niall I was just having a little fun with the girl." he said with a smirk. I crolled over to the corner of the room and held my knees to my chest and one hand on my neck feeling a bite mark . I winced at the pain in my neck.

" im sure she wasnt having any fun you arse ." he said as he walked up to me. He bent down and pulled me into his chest I wrapped mt arms around his torsoe . For some reason I always feel safe in this boys arms. Ok now that I know his name I should start using it. Tears started coming down my checks . Not knowing why I was kept hostage .

I pulled out of his arms and ran back up to Nialls room and locked it . I patted my shorts to see if my phone was in my pockets luckly it was in my back pocket.

I turned it on but just my luck it was dead. I threw out the window . Thats when it hight me . I opened the window and looked down. It wasnt a fair jump.

I started to hear a banging qat the bedroom door. I looked back at it then back out side the window . I pocked my head out. seeing no way of getting out.

I seen another door in the room . I opened it and went in . I turned on the light and to see a bathroom. I saw razor blades, towels, and pills. I looked through the cabents under neath the sink. I found a bag that had girls makeup. why would they have girl make up.

I went through it and found a bronzer that made you look pale. I put a crap load on and made sure it looked real not like i had makeup on. I put the bag up and grabbed a razor blade.

I gripped it and slide it across my arm letting warm red liquid flow from my arm . The cut was pretty deep .I dropped the razor. As the bathroom door swung open.

There standing right in front of my eyes was , Niall. Fear took over his eyes . He ran towards me and grabbed the razor out of my hand and put it on the conter. My body was up against the wall. I felt my pain go away.

He wrapped a towel around my arms . And held it their. He looked into my eyes with fear in his and a worried look across his face. No one has ever felt this way about me not even my step-mom. Niall brong up his hand to my check and placed a kiss on my forehead..

"why would you do this to yourself Maria." he said. now in the hell im scared . How did he now my name. 

"how do you know my fuking naaammmee. and i dont know i was kidnapped and i have no clue why and my step-mom is probally worried sick about me." i said with a sniff. 

" i dont know you just seme like a beautiful Maria . " he said as he kept me in his arms. 

My tears became dry and i smiled at his comment about me . no one has ever told me that. He picked me up off the floor and walked.back to his room. Layed me down and tuck me in.  

He was about to leave the room but i called him back.

"Niall" I said scared. 

"yeah" he said with concern 

" stay with me , please " i said  

"sure " he said .as he climbed into the bed with me. I put myself right next to him so i could feel his warm body heat. So I could hear his heart beat. He put one arm around my waist and the other to my neck and pulled me into him. And he placed a kiss on my forehead and I feel a sleep with his confort. And I felt safe.

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