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"And there it is the kingdom hidden in the mountains, it's good to be back," Calvin said.

"Yeah, but we should probably pick up the pace the longer we wait admiring the kingdom from afar the more likely my dad is to send out search parties thinking I'm dead or something," I said.

"Wish I had someone who cared that much about me whenever I left the kingdom," Calvin said.

"Not as good as it sounds," I said giving my horse a light kick and she went into a light gallop down to the kingdom.

As the gate came into view as we crossed the bridge I saw a guard and he was surprised at my return and yelled to open the gate, the gate swung open and the two of us rode in slowing our horses down so as not to knock anyone over. as we moved through the streets our horses now walking people came out of their houses and welcomed us back with Calvin being a famous soldier and me the kings only daughter this was a regular thing whenever we got back after a long journey.

"The warrior princess Isa has returned" A guard to the royal palace said as we approached dismounting our horses.

"You never get tired of hearing that do you," Calvin said seeing the smile on my face.

"Of course I don't they are finally acknowledging that I am a warrior," I said as the doors to the palace opened letting the two of us in.

We walked through the halls of the palace as the guards that lined the halls stood at attention as we passed them we made our way to the king's throne room for me to see my father and so Calvin could give his report. The throne room hadn't changed it was grand and beautiful as expected and full of all the important people in the kingdom who as far as I knew spent all the time in this room doing nothing just talking. I looked around and saw all the usual suspects the politicians that my father kept around more as advisers than anything else the personal guard to the king the king's physician the king himself the queen and their eldest son my brother.

"My dear sister must you weigh on our father's heart with all these adventures of yours this last one took two years," My brother said as came over from talking with one of the guards.

"Come now we both know the more time I spent out of the kingdom the more time you have to corrupt the kingdom from the inside," I said returning the glare he was giving me before we both burst out laughing.

"It's good to see you again sister," He said pulling me into a hug.

"It's good to see you too brother," I said hugging him back and he winced as I was still in my armour and I must have hurt him.

I looked over and saw my father in a heated conversation with his physician, I glanced over and my mother who had noticed my presence smiled at me with a wave which I returned. I walled up to the throne where my father was sitting still in a heated conversation with the physician I didn't care what they were talking about so I cleared my throat to announce my presence and my father turned and his face lit up.

"My dear daughter I am so glad you have returned," My father said hugging me.

"Thank you, father Calvin is here to give his official report I, on the other hand am going to my room to change it to some lighter clothes we can talk more then," I said my father nodded and looked at Calvin who immediately stood at attention.

My room was only a few hallways down from the throne room I went in and sighed as I closed the door I stripped myself out of my armour before setting it up on the stand and opening my wardrobe. I went through all the clothes in my wardrobe and settled on the one my mother got me for my 17th birthday it was blue and white the colours of my kingdom. I left my room and returned to the throne room where Calvin was finishing up his report I walked past him as he stood up I took my seat he bowed and left he is the model soldier.

"So you told me that you were going on a hunting trip where as Calvin has just told you went off to find bandits," My father said.

"Yes, I went bandit hunting," I said proudly.

"And the ruined temple of the undead?" My father said.

"An accident place the ground caved in around us by the time we knew what was happening it was already too late," I said with a smile.

"So Calvin said," My father said.

"Well I for one would like to hear how that story turns out," My brother said.

"As would I but perhaps we should do it over dinner tonight, darling," My mother said.

"Yes, you two may go and enjoy your time dinner will be ready at 6:30 after all Isa you must be exhausted so go get settled back into the castle," My father said before me and my brother go up to leave.

So you might need to know a few things about me and my family, the most important point is that I am older than my brother by two years he is 18 and I am 20. Normally the firstborn child would ascend to the throne but only if they are male now this would only bother me if I had any desire to take the throne witch I don't. My brother is a good guy as a king he will raise this kingdom to new heights I have no doubt he cares not only for the people but also for the current and continued survival of the whole kingdom. But that is not the only reason he may not be a good fighter, well not as good as me but he can still hold his one and unlike me where I am interested in adventures and seeing the world while fighting for my life my brother is more interested in tactics and politics, battles of intellect. Another perk of not being next in line for the throne is that my mum and dad aren't searching every damn kingdom in the land to find me a prince and I know that if I did have a prince I would just be seen as an accessory to him, not the life I want.

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