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I was ready to have a real fight as I took a few steps forward I saw that the room all apart from those with me were still fixated on my arm I used this as my opportunity I lunged forward and attack. I was able to catch him slightly off guard and gave him a nasty gash along his cheek he jumped back and felt along the cut with his hand he had some blood on his finger and then licked it up. I was a little grossed out by him at first but then I felt a large amount of magic building up around him and then a red aroura appeared around him. I could feel that there was a surge of strength coming from him and he was defiantly stronger than when this fight began the aroura around him was like smoke and I could tell getting too close was a bad idea.

"Brother," He called out.

"Right," The other said.

Andras opponent ran at me one taking his armour off as he did and then the one fighting me took a knee and his brother shoved his hand deep into his brother's back then they then began to fuse with one another. I was now sure that we may not win this fight Andra came to my side I looked at her and she gave me a reassuring smile If I was going down I wasn't going down without a fight.

"We can beat them if we fight as one just like them," Andra said and I knew what she ment.

"Then let's go," I said.

I ran at the thing before me it attacks me with one of its blades and I countered it knocking it away disorienting it for a second but that second was just long enough for Andra who was right behind me to land her own attack. Her attack was good but sadly still a split second too slow the sword did hit its target but the cut was unfortunately not deep enough to cause considerable damage. It was like ever since they became one everything about them has increased their speed, size, strength and the amount of damage that they can take this was bad.

"Got a plan B," I asked.

"Possibly," Andra said.

"Okay what do I need to do," I asked.

"Keep them occupied," Andra said.

"This had better be good," I said.

I stepped forward as Andra stepped back and prepared for whatever it was she was going to do the brothers towered over me but size never made me back down in the past and I wasn't starting now. I adjusted my stance and got ready to defend myself the Elven brothers move closer to me smiling as if I had just lost my ally but I had learnt to trust Andra even with my life. The brother swung their sword at me and I ducked just in time I kicked the brothers in the chest and they reeled back slightly I saw an opening and went for it. Bad idea. I tried to attack with another kick but my foot was grabbed and I was then lifted up and thrown across the room and hit the wall a little harder than I had hoped.

"Any time now Andra," I said.

"Five more minutes," Andra said as if she was asking if I could keep them occupied for another five.

"You owe me for this," I said.

I used the spell that Nabil taught me and my sword crashed it to the bothers with such force that it sent a gust of wind around the room the brothers smiled and we were soon locked in combat. The room was full of the sound of attack after attack with little to no time in between each attack we had both become unmatched in our speed I heard Andra yell ready. I fake tripped and the Andra came out of the blind spot I made and shoved her blade in the brother's chest and they were torn apart we had them separated but we were both out of energy. The brothers got up and were surprised that someone was able to pull them apart probably more surprised that it was a human that was able to do it.

"That it is enough," Zareen said as she stood.

"They haven't lost yet," One of the brothers said.

"So, win or lose was not the point of this fight the point was to prove that she was worthy of the command she has and she has done just that," Zareen said giving me a smile.

"So will you give me the aid I seek," I said.

"Yes but I also have something that you will find a great use for," Zareen said as she took me to one of the walls with a beautiful sword on it.

"I, don't believe it," I said as I recognised the sword.

"What is it the blade too much for you," Said one of the brothers.

"No, I recognise it the blade belonged to the 8th king of the 4th age it was during a time of peace he used it to unite the races together I thought it was just a myth," I said.

"Is it really that famous?" Alec said.

"Yes not to mention that this is a human relic what the hell is it doing in Elven possession," I said my blood boiling.

"I have no idea that blade has been here long before was even born I had no idea it was a relic of your people but if we are to forge this alliance then you taking this sword would be a good start," Zareen said.

"Fine," I said as I pulled the sword from its mount on the wall.

As I took hold of the blade it hummed and I felt a strange connection to it the blade then glowed and pulled itself from my arm and hovered in the air and the humming became louder. A bright light appeared and swirled around the blade before it flew gently back into my hand I looked at the blade in my hand in amazement. I had only heard of a sword doing this, a sword that was forged with magic as this one was they can sometimes choose a master and it looks like this one just chose me.

"Never seen a sword do that," A brother said.

"I have but only once it is very rare for a sword forged with magic to choose a master and swear unwavering loyalty," Alec said.

"What does that mean," I asked.

"I meant that that sword will now do all it can within the limits of its magical properties to protect you," Alec said.

"Well well well you can even make allies with a sword what next you going to start bringing back the dead," Andra said.

"Sadly there are some things that no level of magic will ever give us the power to do," I said as Calvin came to mind and I let out a tear.

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