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"Immortal why would you want to become immortal," I said.

"Because immortality is what was always intended for humankind the other races have their long lives and their skills with magic or abilities but what do humans have," Alzar said.

"What does it matter we have survived this long," I said.

"Our current survival is nothing but a means to an end the longer we survive the way we have been the more we will be forced to sacrifice for the continuation of that survival," Alzar said.

"We haven't sacrificed anything," I said.

"Not yet but your generation will soon see the truth of the harsh reality of your own existence," Alzar said.

"Your deranged," I said.

"Perhaps but only a madman could see the truth hidden in the smoke of history," Alzar said.

"What is this," I said glancing at the orb.

"One of the few ancient relics left by the gods when they abandoned us," Alzar said.

"Ancient relics," I said.

"Long before the first great war when all the races were first beginning to advance and build what we now call the five kingdoms there were gods that walked this earth they were the ones that created us all races came from them. They built us and gave us intelligence and free will allowing us to rise up and make ourselves known and climb the food chain all races wanted to be at the top naturally. The gods saw this and realised that this would result in destruction and carnage so they built these and made relics like this one, items of unimaginable power in the hops that the power given to those that found the relics would end the war before it began," Alzar said.

"Guessing the plan failed," I said.

"Oh on the contrary, it did work problem was that the gods were naive, they did not see the price to gain the gifts these relics offer," Alzar said.

"What kind of price," I said.

"A life for a life," Alzar said.

"Just one," I said.

"One or one hundred your life for whatever reason is far more valuable than another" Alzar said.

"So why go after me why not use a hundred of your followers," I said.

"Sadly the one being sacrificed needs to be pure of heart and none of my men possesses that trait," Alzar said.

"And you're surprised," I said.

"No just disappointed," Alzar said.

"What exactly do you gain by achieving this immortal state," I said.

"I will finish the god's work this relic was designed to grant immortality and by achieving it I will bring their work to a satisfying conclusion," Alzar said.

"And what will you do then," I said.

"Set out to find the other relics scattered across this earth and use them to be what humans were always intended to be the ultimate of all the races," Alzar said.

"Why," I said sheathing my sword.

"What do you mean," Alzar said.

"Why do all this you could just leave the relics as they are forgotten items from a lost age and maybe that is how she should stay," I said.

"Impossable," Alzar said.

"You spent all your life looking for these right, you haven't had a chance to really live," I said.

"This is what I have spent all my time doing," Alzar said.

"My point exactly, you need to leave this and find out what is out there," I said.

"What do you mean," Alzar said.

"You have fixated on this that's you have forgotten why you started looking in the first place," I said.

"I...I...I was lost... afraid," Alzar said.

"Everyone is afraid of something but if you lose what you are afraid of you lose part of what makes you who you are," I said.

Soon Alzar began crying out and screaming in pain he had his hands on his head he was bent over and he was staggering on his feet trying to keep standing. As he stepped back it was like there were two of him one was transparent and it was as if it was glitching out of him and soon it became less transparent than Alzar and then it burst from him like smoke. I looked at what came out of him and it was a demon it looked at us and then disappeared and it was just us two left I looked and saw Alzar on the ground.

"Alzar," I said as I walked up to him.

"What happened," Alzar said as he opened his eyes.

"Not sure but it looked like you had been possessed by a demon," I said.

"Possessed but a demon can't possess a human it would kill the demon the body of a human is too different they can't hold it for long... unless..." Alzar said.

"It must have been feeding off your soul," I said.

"Oh my god what have I done... please you have to believe me I didn't know I wasn't in control," Alzar said as he sat up.

"Did you really not know?" I said.

"It's all coming back but it's all a little fuzzy," Alzar said.

"So the whole time you were just doing what the demon wanted, what the hell would a demon want with immortality," I said.

"Demons don't want they just do whatever it is that they feel will make them more powerful," Alzar said.

"Well it doesn't matter come we need to get out of here," I said as I helped him to his feet.

"Why help me," Alzar said as he took my hand and I pulled him up.

"Whatever you did you weren't doing it of your own accord you weren't in control now is your chance to make amends," I said.

"Then this may help get us out," Alzar said as he pulled out the same orb that brought us here.

"What is that," I said.

"Teleportation orb you can use to travel anywhere you just have to concentrate on where, would you like to do the honours," Alzar said handing me the orb.

I took the rob and focused my thoughts on Amara the Alzat took my hand and cracked the orb and we then found ourselves back on the battlefield it was still raging on.

"ALL FORCES STAND DOWN," We both said and they stopped.

"The fight is over we have won," I said and my forces cheered.

"What of Alzar," Amara said.

"Alzar is no longer a threat he was being possessed by a demon that was feeding on his soul and he is now free he will not attack," I said and Alzar kelt down.

"If you will allow me I would like to devote myself to your service to protect you and all that you hold dear," Alzar said.

"I would like nothing more however you will have to gain the trust of my people first," I said.

"How," Alzar said.

"Andra he is your responsibility now you do what she says until I say otherwise," I said and Alzar nodded.

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