𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 , i.e.d

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Flicking idly through a textbook, the blonde girl sat at a desk in a silent room, struggling to keep herself awake as her head swayed back and forth, only waking up seconds before her head hit a table, that was sure to knock her out, making up for the lack of sleep. Nobody had slept after the redhead had pulled out a list of names. A dead pool. A hit list for the supernatural creatures. She had only uncovered part of it, rest still had to be decoded, even then, there were names that was all too familiar to them. Some, their own. Just on the first half of the dead pool were five of their names. Her, Scott, Lydia, Derek and Kira. Among others, other who they didn't even know, there were people on the dead pool who had been living in secret, for how long they weren't sure, but now, their lives were in danger. Danger like never before.

In Noelle's mind, it was still the middle of the night, she was still sat in Noah's office, listening to Scott and Stiles explain it to the man, what the numbers meant, how Lydia had come across the list. How Allison's name had broken a third of the list. Perhaps that was what made her and this so uncomfortable, because whoever had chosen to make this list, to threaten their lives, used a girl who meant so much to each of them to do it. Part of it made the blonde glad that her older brother was gone, she wasn't sure how she would have broken it to him, that the girl that he had fallen in love with was now being used as a pawn in some twisted game.

She may have been their in her mind, but her body was sat in an empty art classroom with Malia and Lydia, trying to figure out the second cipher key, while she and the coyote were rendered as useless as can be, they studied, acting as moral support for the redhead as she concentrated on the empty canvas sitting in front of her. Hoping she would be struck with supernatural ingenuity.

Just as the blonde began drifting off to sleep again, a book slammed shut, startling her awake as Malia jumped up from her seat, growing bored of sitting around and waiting. She had done it all weekend, watching Lydia drive herself insane as she sat a record player, there was only so much she could take of sitting in silence. She wasn't the silent type. She was the type to tall Noelle and Stiles to sleep to get out of studying.

The coyote stood over the redhead's shoulder, watching the blank canvas, the pencil hovering a few centimeters waiting for creativity to strike. From her seat at the table the blonde could hear Malia's heavy breathing, it felt like she was breathing down her neck, not Lydia's. Noelle waited, counting down the seconds until Lydia snapped, it was the only thing keeping her awake. Three. Two. One. "Please stop hovering." The Banshee deadpanned. Right on schedule.

"I'm not hovering. I'm waiting." Malia corrected her, moving to hover over the other shoulder. It wasn't an improvement, not in the slightest. With a smirk, Noelle turned back to her book, they were the only thing keeping her distracted from what was really going on. She tried not to think about what they were doing, only that they were here, with her. She could always use company. "Draw something. Write something. We need to know who else is on that list."

GROWING PAINS , scott mccallWhere stories live. Discover now