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[y/n] swallowed her annoyance, accepting the fact that she now had to go through a few more human interactions, and turned around

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[y/n] swallowed her annoyance, accepting the fact that she now had to go through a few more human interactions, and turned around. Her eyes locked with those of a very angry guy with spikey hair. Behind him were standing two more masked guys, Jay and Nya.

"Um..." she titled her head, knowing very well who they are, but deciding to play dumb so she won't embarrass herself. "Excuse me, have we met before?" the spikey one looked as if he was about to explode, but the one in white ninja gi interrupted.

"No, I don't believe we have." he answered politely. "I'm Zane, and those are my siblings and friends, Kai, Cole, Jay and Nya. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too!" she chimed, smiling. "I'd rather not tell my name due to personal reasons, so feel free to call me whatever you'd like."

"How about a thief then?" Kai sneered, crossing his arms. "You're keep stealing our thunder with only three actual fights on your record!" she gave him an unimpressed stare.

"Four fights, I'll have you know. Also," she reached out, and held Nya's hand in her own. "Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, right?"

"Oh, no, not at all!" she laughed a bit nervously. "I'm fine!"

"That's good to hear." [y/n] stated, but a cough interrupted her.

"Yeah, I'm also fine." Jay stated, his tone similiar to Kai's. "You know, after I got turned into a snake." she looked up, as if wondering about something.

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