I would... want something that was mine.
As i look back, i can see my trail. A trail of effort and tears. Perilous, but i manage to pass it. So, i look forward, and theres a road. Dedicated just for me.
Yeah, it was dedicated for me. Paved with such sincerity so that i would walk on it comfortably. It wasnt a road i built. It was something my parent had previously constructed.
It was their meaning. Theirs.
I just, walking atop them, following whats there for me. Wondering what would i find ahead.
But theres nothing. I am just nothing. Like an empty shell, walking with nothing. Theres no meaning in my existence. No dream, no purpose, just blindly walking.
It scares me.
What was it again?
What do i want?
What do i dream of?It scares me to find nothing when i ask that to myself.