finding a TV

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I and the other 15-year-olds were looking in a trash can for our TV.. well they are. "Uh it's not in here," Butt-Head said while throwing trash out of the can and leaving it on the floor "what are we going to do butthead, " Beavis says looking down.

"Settle down Beavis" I follow the other as they walk away. We walked for a while and stop we went to a building that had a sign saying 'Highland High School ' I hated this school. The teachers suck and the principal is a huge dick.

" Hey wait a minute, where are we going ?" I ask butthead because he was being our leader on this journey. "Yeah, I don't want to go to school!" Beavis exclaimed.

I could see Beavis's hand turn into a fist. "We gotta find our TV!" Butt-Head rolled his eyes "shut up Beavis, I got an idea" "when do you have an idea" I say giving butthead a glare "shut up Betty". But seriously when does he ever have an idea

~in the school~

"Let's just take this thing back to the house," I say as I walk behind the two boys while they were pushing the school TV and I was holding onto the cords. "Yeah heh"

As we were walking we got cut off by the one and only Mr. Driessen. "Uh hey excuse me boys and girl what going on?" He asked I rolled my eyes "someone stole our TV" I say in a rude tone "yeah, we're just gonna use this one" Beavis says after me "get out of the way" the boys try to push the cart but the teacher stops them

"I'm Afraid the TV belongs to the school m'kay." "You know this could be a positive experience for you guys, there's a wonderful and exciting world out there, and discover we don't need TV to entertain us" I could hear butthead laugh a bit. Now I know he's going to say something stupid "he said ainus" "entertain us and ainus, oh yeah" Beavis mumbles. Mr.Driessen sighs only to speak again

"Did you even hear what I said?" "Uh yeah...ainus" butthead speaks back only for Beavis to say something also "yeah, yeah I heard it too" I roll my eyes for the hundredth time today.

"Look guys just take the TV back to the AV room, right now," Mr. Driessen says firmly. "And try to be a little bit more open to life experience m'kay" I looked what said 'yeah, like that's gonna happen ' after he said that he walked back into his classroom

"What a dork."

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