We pushed the TV out the school doors. I let go of the cords that I was holding on to so they can fall to the ground. The other two used teamwork so we can have the TV safely down the stair but that never works.
I sigh watching the TV fall and break. "That was cool heh," butthead says as we three were standing on the step "no it wasn't," I say while hitting Butt-Head on the back of his head. "Ow," he whined as he rubbed his head. We started walking down more INTILL the door opened. I thought it would be Mr.Driessen but no it was the principal Mr. McVicker
"W-whats gonna on o-out here," he says as looks down behind us to see the broken TV "o-o-oh no" we kept walking down ignoring Mr.McVicker. "uh that belongs to the school " I nod my head playing along " yeah, it supposed to be in the AV room," I say. "Wasn't our fault"
"Get back here! Betty, Beavis, and Butt-Head you're all expelled!" I scoff not caring at all.
~the Anderson's~
We walked when we stopped again but by Tom Anderson's household. "Wow, when did Anderson have a camper?" I nod my head staring at the night sky "yeah!" I stood next to Beavis. Now looking down at the camper what was on Tom Anderson's driveway.
"Maybe it'll have a TV!!" Beavis said before him and butthead start walking to the camper. I stood my ground not wanting to go in.
I heard talking, so I just leaned on the camper. After a few minutes, I heard the boys cheering "da da da dada" (I forgot ok?) Screaming could be heard from the camper. The only thing I could sound out was "Beavis you dumbass" meaning Beavis did something dumb. I heard the door open so I look over to see the boys and Mr. And Mrs. Anderson
"What are you doing here?" I walk over standing by butthead. "They are here to fix the TV, well those two boys not her, Tom" Tom looked at his wife with a confused stare "what the TV ain't broken" butthead spoke up before I can even speak "uh yeah, it is" the boys started giggling, like you know the sounds they make?
"Hey aren't you three that been waking off in my tool" I didn't want to speak. But I never went into his shed I only leaned on the side of the shed to wait for the boys. It's kinda my thing. "Um" Beavis wanted to speak but didn't all he did was bite his lip and chuckled.
We were walking somewhere, butthead again was leading us to our unknown destination. "We still dont have a TV Betty.." Beavis said looking down. I turned to him. "I know, but we'll get one. I promise" I could see that he was getting frustrated. "Damn it! I can't sleep without a TV!!" The blonde had the remote and kept pressing the 'ON' button.
I heard butthead mumble ",.dumbass". We kept walking, we passed some stores. No one said a word until butthead spoke up "what's your problem, Beavis?" Me and butthead noticed Beavis was quivering and mumbling some random shit. "I need TV!!" "I need TV now!" "Damn it" I felt bad, I don't know why though. It was kinda like Beavis was losing his mind.
A pink light shined in our eyes. I look up only to the sign 'COLOR TV' with a stack of fake TVs, "wow" I and butthead say at the same time. "TV" "Yeah, Yeah!!" I noticed it was a motel and there was a sign that said 'SIESTA RATES .' and also at the bottom under that it said ' AIR CONDITION'. after I was done reading and the boys were done chanting about the TV and all that we ran off.

Beavis and Butt-Head Do America [SLOW UPDATES]
DiversosThe three friends Betty, Beavis and Butt-Head lose their TV, only to end up making a deal with a guy. So many places they'll go and even maybe Beavis has a crush?