𝟐𝟎. fade into you.

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fade into you (epilogue)


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        A FULL YEAR HAD PASSED SINCE THE ACCIDENT THAT LOLA HAD BEEN APART OF AND LIFE COULDN'T BE GOING ANY BETTER FOR HER AT THE MOMENT. She and the rest of her friends had just graduated High School, a big milestone for each of them. Lola went into today sad and miserable due to wishing her parents could witness and celebrate this accomplishment for her, but now she's too happy after having a long conversation with Andre. Who's surprisingly good at making people feel better.

Lola stood in front of her bathroom sink, heart thumping a million miles per hour. Her eyes stayed strained at the tiny stick that was on the counter. Never in her life did she ever think this was a possibility, especially at this age. She and Nathan had only slept together three times before graduation, but here she was, pregnant of all things.

It's not like she didn't want children, of course she does, just not right now. Not before she could even start officially living her life. A sigh escapes her lips, hands lift up the shirt that clung to her body. One falls onto the flat stomach as thoughts over raid her brain. What the hell is Nathan going to think?

"What are you doing?" Nathan asked, leaning against the doorframe as he watched her flinch in shock at his presence. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

She gulped, "It's alright, I just wasn't paying attention. Uhm, I kind of have to show you something. You gotta promise not to freak out." Lola let her shirt drop before grabbing the clean end of the stick and turning to face him so he could get a good look. "Positive."

He stared, blinking in disbelief. "Really? Th-that's wonderful!" His strong arms wrapped around her, gently spinning the two around in celebration. "I'm gonna be a dad!"

Lola thought this would've gone a completely different way. Not that she didn't have any faith in Nathan's ability to be happy about such an announcement, it's just that children were never in their plans until after college. "You're not mad?"

"No, why would I be mad?" Nathan set her back down, eyebrows scrunched as he stared into dark brown.

She shrugged, "This was never in our plans. We decided to wait until after college, I just didn't want to ruin anything with this news."

"Not everything goes as planned, Lols. Maybe we were meant to have this baby early and that's totally fine." His grin was large, taking up half his beautiful face.

Lola felt tears litter in her eyes, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Lols."

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.

nine months later.

Nathan Scott smiled brightly as he glanced down at the small bundle that laid asleep in his arms. Royal is the spitting image of himself and it caused his heart to sore into a different dimension. Never in his life has he ever felt this way before.

His friends suddenly rushed into the hospital room and accidentally woke Lola up from her nap. She surprisingly didn't yell at them, but instead, sat up in the bed.

Brooke was the first to pull Royal from his arms, immediately gushing and doting on him. "Oh my gosh, he is just the cutest baby ever!"

Andre came over towards them, putting his arm around Brooke's waist. "I agree. But it's too bad he's his father's twin." He mused, grinning at the look Nathan gave him.

"Shut up, man." Nathan lightly punched Andre's shoulder before taking a seat at the edge of Lola's bed, grabbing a hold of her hand and rubbing smooth circles against it. "Are you doing okay?"

"I'm doing great."

Lola smiled at her boyfriend and then glancing over at the couple with Royal as her other friends went towards them, happy to see everyone together as a family. Never once did she ever think her life would turn out the way it's going, but she wouldn't change it for the world.


that's the end guys! i absolutely hate this ending, but i just have no inspiration for this story anymore. no motivation to keep on going and write like twenty more chapters. i feel like the beginning of this story turned out great, but then it just went downhill. so i apologize if you wanted something better. much love to you all. <333

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