The Missing Pilot

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"I never should have gotten mad at him...what if he....what if he didn't make it...?" Sandy asks and all of us stand there, wanting to tell her everything will be fine, that he's definitely alive and well, and that he ejected before his plane crashed....but we can't... because deep down we know that would be a lie. We all run as fast as we can to the smoke, me being a little slower than the others because of my leg. We all soon make it to the end of the woods to reveal the enemy grounds and near the east corner is Hangman's looks worse than any of us could have imagined. If he didn't eject there isn't even a slight chance he's alive, there isn't a chance at all.

"We can't send Lottie down there in her condition." Bob says.

"It'll be okay....we need to find Jake, and we need to find him fast." I say to them and they all agree. We all separate and carefully make our way down to enemy lines. I sneak my way into one of their hangers to see Sandy holding one of the enemy soldiers and she has a gun to his head.

"Is he alive?!" She yells, pressing the gun harder on the man's temple. The man says something but he's speaking another language. He seems panicked and scared as Sandy has tears running down her cheeks, "Speak English, you rat!!" She suddenly drops the gun from the mans head and quickly shoves him to the ground. She falls to her knees crying, looking hopeless, like her whole world is crashing down in front of me. Suddenly I see the man reaching for his gun so I quickly take mine out and shoot the man and he drops limp to the ground, causing Sandy and me to scream. Sandy quickly snaps her head to the side and sighs in relief when she sees me standing there,

"Lottie!!" Sandy runs to me as I drop my gun to the ground and stare at the man I just ended the life of.

"I....I killed him......" I mumble as I hold my aching side.

"You had to..." Sandy says softly and I nod. I keep looking at the man, his face is white as snow and there's dark red blood running from his head. I crouch down beside him, "I'm so sorry....I had to..." I whisper then slowly stand back up. Sandy and I leave the hanger to see we are only feet away from Jake's broken plane. Her and I rush over to the plane and climb up it, carefully. One wrong move and we fall several feet to he ground, get burned by the fire, or cut our leg open on the broken metal. 

"No no no....Jake!!!" Sandy screams a little too loudly. I quickly look around but thankfully it doesn't look like anyone heard. I look at Sandy to see she's using a piece of scrap metal to break open the canopy as she pulls a very bloody Jake out of the plane. "Lottie, help me get him down." Sandy says, her voice quivering in fear. She grabs under his arms and I grab his legs and we both lift him up. A sharp pain shoots through my rib cage but I push through it and we gently get Jake down to the ground. Sandy carefully lift off Jake's helmet and I hold his hand,

"Stay with us, Jake....." I whisper. Once Sandy get his helmet off she immediately gasps at the sight of him. His face is bruised and covered in blood and his arms look burned.

"Is he....?" Sandy asks, not able to finish her sentence. I gently move my hand up to his neck and press two finger against it to feel for his pulse. "Oh my God....oh my God....." Sandy repeats, her voice is shaky and tears run down her face uncontrollably. I move my fingers a bit until suddenly I feel a pulse, it's slow but its there.

"He's alive." I whisper and I see some relief in her face but she's still sobbing.

"HEY!!" We hear a man yell so we both look behind us to see a soldier with his gun aimed at us. "Identity yourselves!" The man yells, stepping closer to us. Sandy and I look at each other and slowly lift our hands in the air before turning to face the man with the gun. "Are you deaf?! I said identify yourselves!!" He yells.

"Please....our friend is hurt!" Sandy says and I shoot her a look.

"Does it really look like care?" The man says and I gulp loudly. "You're coming with me." He grabs Sandy and I and quickly throws our weapons to the ground before we can get to them.

"HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!!" A familiar, male voice yells. There's a sudden gunshot and the man holding Sandy and I falls dead. I look down at the dead man then up to see Bob standing there. I quickly run into his arms and he holds him tightly, "Did he hurt you?!" He asks pulling me away from him a bit to check me over.

"No...but we found Hangman, Bob. He's not okay...." I say as tears run down my face.

"Oh my God..." Bob says running over to Hangman. Soon the others find us and they all gasp at the sight of Jake.

"Is he gonna live...?" I ask, worried.

"We need to get hm home and to a hospital quickly. I'll take him in my plane. Vapor, you ride with Baywatch and hopefully we can get out of here without them even knowing we were here." Rooster says.

"Too late for that..." Bob glances down at the dead soldier and everyone follows his gaze.

"Oh crap...."  Maverick says.

"There's one in the hanger too..." I mumble and Maverick sighs loudly.

"We have to hurry! He doesn't have much time!" Bradley yells as he very carefully picks up Hangman. We all run cautiously to our planes, I hoist myself up into Baywatch's plane causing my ribs to throb in pain. Once I get myself strapped in, I throw my head back in pain as I carefully put my hand on my side, "Sandy, GO!"  I shout, not letting go of my side.  Soon we all take off and fly back to base. Bradley and Jake are the first to land, followed by Bob and Maverick, then Sandy and I, and Natasha lands last.

"AHHH!!!" I scream in pain as our plane lands on the runway and bounces slightly.

"Help!! I need someone to help me get Lottie out of the plane without hurting her more!" Sandy yells, and she is soon accompanied by Fanboy, who helps me out of the plane and gently carries me to the hospital that we have on base.

I lay in the rather uncomfortable bed as I'm once again hooked up to a bunch of wires and IVs.

"Five broken ribs, and a fractured leg." The doctor says, looking at his sheet, "You really did a job on yourself this time, miss Kazansky." He says.

"Jake! Is he okay?!" I ask.

"Okay? Absolutely not. Alive? Yes." He says, leaving my room. I let out a slight sigh of relief but a heavy guilt builds on my heart knowing he got hurt because of me. I lay there looking around the empty room wishing at least one of them would have stayed with me, but instead I'm stuck alone in this room, the only noise is coming from the heart rate monitor, which is beeping regularly. As I lay there looking down at my leg, that's now wrapped in a empty, white cast. When I was a kid I always wanted my break my arm or leg so I could be the popular kid getting her cast signed by all the kids in her class but even back then, deep down I knew even if I was to get hurt, nobody would have noticed. There's a sudden knock on the door, startling me out of my thoughts, and I see Natasha standing in the doorway, her eyes are red and puffy and her cheeks are stained from her tears.

"Jake....? Please tell me he's not...." I say, fearing why she's in my room, looking like a mess.

"He's awake, Sandy is hogging all his visiting time though." She lets out a sad chuckle. "Lottie...I don't even know where to begin...I'm just so so sorry. I wish I could explain to you why I said and did what I did...but...I can't....all I can say is I was jealous. I was so so dumb...cause now you're here and Jake's here and its all my fault." She says as tears run down her red cheeks.

"Let's just put all of this behind us. Like a fresh start. Im sorry you like Bob but I love him...and that's not going to change." I say and she just nods and gently sits on the edge of my bed and hands me a warm cup of coffee,

"To a fresh start?" She says extending her cup towards mine and I gently hit her cup with mine.

"To a fresh start." I smile.

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