{4} Am I more than you bargained for yet?

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(A/N guys please be honest is this whole phanfic crap? bc I think it is but yanno.. anyways here's chapter 4 c: ),

"Sometimes before it gets better the darkness gets bigger, the person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger, Oh we're fading fast, I miss missing you now and then."

~Miss missing you
Fall Out Boy

{Dan's pov}
My alarm clock woke me as usual at 6:20. I groaned and sleepily fumbled for it before my eyes drooped shut again.

I always set my alarm clock for half an hour earlier than I actually need to get up, because then to me it feels like I've had an extra lie-in, and or had some chill time before school starts. But this morning, I woke up to my dad roughly shaking me awake and shouting "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED YOU LAZY SHIT!!"
I opened my eyes cautiously to see that he was holding two beer bottles high above his head as if he was about to bring them down on my head.
I bit back a scream, and instead I sat up quickly.
"D-Dad?" I murmured quietly.
"Oh Daniel..." he said, slurring his words, "You've really done it this time. Thought you could just come back late and go straight to bed and we wouldn't notice? Where were you anyway? No, save it, you can't have been at a friend's house, someone like you doesn't deserve friends..."
And with that he brought both bottles down on my head, and everything went black.

{PHil's pov}
The only thing that kept me going through all of the shit in morning form was the thought of seeing Dan. This time I didn't even try to stand up for myself, I just wrote "Yes, I know," when they called me some name or another.

Today's society is so stereotypical. I'm obviously not the first one to notice this, but I still hated it. People are automatically called 'emos' for liking certain music or wearing a certain colour. People are called 'nerds' or 'geeks' for being smart or actually enjoying school. People are bullied really badly for having a different sexuality. The majority of people are just so judgemental. And by being this judgemental, it has made many teens across the globe feel bad about themselves and even go as far as starting to hurt themselves. I don't see how people can live with themselves knowing that they've made someone do that... (A/N sorry I kinda wanted to rant and I managed to relate it to Phil so... XD )

As I walked over to history, I kept replaying last night's events over and over again in my head. I still couldn't believe that any of it had happened, but somehow it had, and that's amazing.

I looked for Dan in the history classroom, and my heart sank when I couldn't see him. Was he okay? Should I call him? But I can't call him even if I want to, I'm in a lesson! Unless I went to the toilet or something...
But what if he's not okay?
Ugh, this was the problem with having anxiety. I always worried way too much about everything...
So I pushed Dan out of my head for now and tried to concentrate on learning about the English Civil War without falling asleep.

{Dan's pov}
My eyes slowly opened. Well, one opened fully and the other remained half-shut. I frowned in confusion. What had happened?
It was then that the pain kicked in. My entire body was burning and my legs felt like lead. My vision suddenly blurred with tears. My... Dad... my dad... had done this to me...

Phil was the first thought that came into my head. I needed Phil, now.
Luckily my phone was on the bedside table next to me, so I picked it up and sent Phil one word, 'help...'
Then I suddenly felt extremely heavy-headed. It hurt to breathe...
As my entire body went numb I gasped and passed out.

{Phil's pov}
As history finished, I packed up my books and pencil case and yawned.
As I started to walk over to tech I heard my phone buzz, so I checked it.
It was from dan, and it said 'help...'

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