{3} Feelings

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Trigger warnings: brief mention of anorexia)

{Third person}

After drama finished, Dan waited for Phil to finish packing up his things before smiling at him.

He didn't notice the way Phil blushed and looked down awkwardly when he smiled back, his tongue slightly poking out of his mouth.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Phil got his notebook and pen out of his bag and wrote 'Dan, I just wanted to tell something. Something quite important I guess? Anyways I just wanted to say how grateful I am to you for being my friend, and a person I can rely on. I'd never really felt like I could totally trust a person until I met you, Dan Howell. So yeah I just wanted to say thank you :)'.

Dan stared blankly at the small paragraph Phil had written for a few seconds, before yet again pulling him quite roughly into a bear hug. As Phil stood there being hugged, he noticed that Dan's hair smelled strongly of cherries, and giggled quietly when he realised that Dan must have used dry hair shampoo.

After Dan reluctantly pulled out of the hug, he said "Well thank YOU, Phil. For being you. For not changing for the idiots. And being a great friend." And with that he picked Phil up like he was as light as a feather and spun him round and round singing Timber for some strange reason. He was such a dork, but Phil loved him for it. After Dan eventually put Phil down, they were both out of breath from laughing so much. Dan just about managed to say "You're... so... cute... Phil...", through his fast breaths.

"Oh, and did you know that your tongue pokes out of your mouth whenever you smile or laugh?" said Dan casually after he'd recovered.

'No shit sherlock!! And I did actually, but it's super annoying and it makes me look like an idiot..' wrote Phil as he fake-pouted sassily.

Dan stood with his hands on his hips, trying to look offended but failing. "Umm excuse me, I think you'll find that I'm an excellent detective phillip!" Dan said.
'ofc you are daniel', Phil wrote and looked at Dan sarcastically.
'Oh, and Dan?' Phil wrote, 'I was wondering if... umm... you maybe wanted to come round mine tonight? I mean, only if your parents let you...'
Dan pretended to consider it, before laughing and nodding repeatedly.
'Yayyyy!! :D', Phil wrote before affectionately poking one of Dan's dimples.

{Phil's pov}
As I stared at Dan's beautiful face, I thought, yet again, about how ridiculously perfect it was. His chestnut brown hair and long brown fringe that he'd flick out of his eyes when it got in the way.

I sighed. I doubt that Dan will ever feel the same way about me, and at the moment I didn't even know if he was homophobic !
I shook my head lightly. What am I thinking? I haven't even spent a whole day with Dan yet, so how can I possibly have feelings for him already?

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

{Still Phil's pov}

As I live very close to our school, we walked back to mine together. I took Dan on a longer route than I would normally take, because I really wanted to show him the meadow right next to my house and see what he thought of it.
'Dan, will you keep quiet and follow me for a minute? I want to show you something.' I wrote.
"Okay..." said Dan cautiously.
'Right, I need you to trust me, and close your eyes. I'll tap your shoulder when I want you to open them okay?' I wrote, looking at Dan with pleading puppy eyes.
"Phil, I swear to God if you do anything dirty..." laughed Dan.
I grinned at him and licked my lips seductively, then put a finger over my lips before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the meadow. He closed his eyes, which made me happy as this meant he trusted me.

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