Chapter 1: Tywin I

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Author's Note: Hello there! This is my first story. It is also posted on and AO3 under the same name. I don't know how many chapters there will be in the end. I have quite a lot of ideas. We will have to wait and see! I am hoping for your reviews!

Disclaimer: I own nothing! Everything belongs to George RR Martin and HBO. This is simply fanfiction.


The gentle voice of his brother made him turn his head sharply from the serene view of Lannisport. He hadn't heard his door open. He had once again been thinking of Jaime while breathing in the fresh air when Tygett's quiet tone almost made him jump. Having been a silent witness to his growing from child to man, Tywin had come to respect his second brother for developing a keen and strategic mind. He respected him even when they didn't see eye to eye. He even dared to say that he loved him in his own, pragmatic way. But for the life of him, he could not recall a time when he had received such softness from his brother. And that meant only one thing. Something had happened. Something utterly serious that had affected even the bitter third son of Tytos Lannister.

"What news do you bring, brother?" he asked sternly without wasting time for small talk.

"We intercepted a goshawk carrying a message addressed to Robert Baratheon." Tygett's voice was still gentle as he passed him the parchment.

Tywin raised an eyebrow. "This is unsealed."

Tygett considered him with a calm expression on his face. "I was curious," he admitted, and before Tywin could protest, he continued. "Just read it."

Intrigued by his brother's behavior, Tywin concentrated on the words in front of him.


You always said that Proudwing would never fly. You were wrong. She does fly. Just not a long distance. She is not ready for what I am asking of her. Most likely, she will never reach you. But she is my last hope. His fatness has succeeded in hitting all the ravens we have been trying to send. No matter. You are not only my brother but also my liege lord. I have a duty to inform you that our position is far from pleasant. Our people are dying one after the other. There is simply no food left. We have been eating our horses for the past two moons. There are none left. Not even the pony that you gifted Renly. He hates me for it. He doesn't understand that I am only doing my duty. You asked me to hold Storm's End. And I will die first before surrendering our ancestral home to that cow of a flower. He is mocking us. We can smell the roasted meat even inside the castle. And I am afraid that I cannot keep our people loyal to me. They are asking for you. They mock me. They, like Renly, do not understand that I am only doing my duty. The only things left to eat are cats, dogs and rats. And there are not many. We have to take short portions to keep living for at least one more moon. You know what my feelings for the Gods are. But even I am praying for a miracle. I am giving more than half of my meals to Renly. He is a boy, Robert. A boy. He needs to live. And he needs parents to look after him. To help him grow. What would they say if they saw me? Mother would be furious with me. And Father? He would be so disappointed. What does a second son know of running a keep? Isn't that what he used to say when I judged your unlordly behavior? He was right, of course. What do I, a second son, know? I miss them. And I miss you as well. You would know how to calm our people. I am scared that Cressen will die. You would probably be laughing right now with my sentimentality. But I am not expecting you or anyone else to read this. And for once in my life, I want to express my feelings. To let go of my pain so that I can die peacefully. Because I know with absolute certainty, I am not going to survive this siege. No matter. Let this be my last act. I swear that Renly will live. And he will be the brother that you have always wanted. If I see that things get worse, I will smuggle him out to a safe place. I will not let him die. I swear.

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