Old Drabbles/Old Versions

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just a few old version of the story and some little pieces I wrote - enjoy! 



          Inside the bar, the group sat at a table, listening to the rebel, Cara, talk about her life as a soldier. Myrah tried her hardest to be kind and polite, but her fury with Mando got the best of her. She found herself making small talk with the waitress or messing with the child rather than paying attention to Cara.

          "Saw most of my action mopping up after Endor. Mostly Ex-Imperial Warlords. They wanted it fast and quiet. They'd send us in on the drop ships. No support, just us. Then when the Imps were gone, the politics started. We were peacekeepers, protecting delegates, suppressing riots. Not what I signed up for."

          "How'd you end up here?"

          "Let's just call it an early retirement. Look, I knew you were Guild. I figured you had a fob on me. That's why I came at you so hard."

          Mando took a deep breath, looking at Myrah as she rubbed the child's ear. "Yeah, that's what I figured."

          "Well, this has been a real treat but unless you wanna go another round, one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first."

          Cara set down her bowl, smiling at the Mandalorian as she left.

          Mando looked over at Myrah and the child. "Well, looks like this planet's taken."



          Again, silence.

          "Myrah, listen. I had no choice-"

          "No choice? No choice?! Mando, there is always a choice. Do you ever think that maybe trouble doesn't follow you everywhere you go?"


          "No, let me finish. You chase after trouble. You can't live without it. You just need to have-"

          "I'm sorry."


          "I said... I'm sorry. I mean it."

           Myrah sighed and ran a hand through her hair before looking back at him. She remained quiet for a minute or two before her lips slowly formed into a small smile. "You know, she was totally flirting with you."

          "Really? Huh..." He was quiet for a moment before he looked back at her. "Not my type."

          "Oh? And what is?"

           Mando went silent, looking into her eyes even though she couldn't see it. The light hit them perfectly, displaying the gold flecks in her eyes and the differing shades of brown mix together to form a beautiful, chocolatey tone.

          He subconsciously rests his hand on hers as he finds himself lost in her eyes. Her heart flutters slightly at the contact, her smile widening.

          "In your dreams, loverboy." She draws out the last word, pulling her hand away. She stands up and begins to walk towards the exit. Before she leaves, she turns around and winks at him, seeming to disappear from the archway.

          Mando sighs and shakes his head, grabbing the kid while he follows her out. Before he knew it, she was running back towards the ship with him chasing after her. 



          "Not that wire."

          "Well you just pointed at the wires and said 'that one.' So, it really wasn't clear which wire, Mando."

          "I very clearly pointed at that one."

          "WHICH ONE?!" She waves her hands around before sighing and closing her eyes. "You know what? You do it. You know what you want."

          She turned around, seeing the Mandalorian right behind her. She hadn't realized how close he was until her nose met his helmet.

          Apparently Mando hadn't realized it either. His whole body froze and he looked down at her. Seeing her flushed cheeks made his heat up as well. He took a step back, grabbing the tool from her hand.

          "Just uh... Stand there and watch."

          Myrah nodded and quickly stepped to his left while he inched closer to the wires.



           The group had been teaching the villagers to fight for two weeks now. Cara focused on the closer, hand-to-hand combat group, while Myrah and Mando took over long distance weaponry. Everyone had become well equipped for the battle, now was the time for refining their skills.

          Myrah stood to the side, holding Mando's rifle in her hands as she aimed for the targets. Mando came up behind her, his hands on her hips as he tapped the inside of her foot with his. She moved her foot out slightly, smiling to herself.

          "I've shot this before. I know what I'm doing."

          "I know. I wanted an excuse to talk to you so I have to look like I'm helping."

          She could feel his armor pressed against her back. The chill of the beskar sending shivers down her spine. With his index finger and thumb, he grabbed her chin, pulling it down.

          "This will help with your aim." He whispers before stepping back.

          She fires several shots, each one hitting the can that hung from a branch. She turned around with a big smile on her face.

          "Thanks for the help, loverboy."

          "I'm getting pretty tired of that nickname."

          "Really? Hm. I'm not."

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