- Fall Of The Brotherhood -

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I woke up and let Nugget out to go to the bathroom. I let him in and made a pumpkin spice latte then edited and posted the video from yesterday. I then finished drinking my coffee. I got dressed and put a letter on my door and close it. I feed and water Nugget and leave with my guitar and ski mask. I head to my concert. I arrived and put my mask on and I think to myself. "I need to let Rae, Dream, Corpse and the others know about this but it's been too long. At least Riley will be here." I had a purple ski mask with my bands logo on the forehead. I got my guitar and entered the building. I got to the stage and we set up the mic and the instruments. People start pouring in. My band knows my ex will be here I was the lead singer but faceless I told my band 'The Brotherhood' I was going to pull my mask off halfway through our album and before the song about my ex girlfriend. I wasn't nervous I was excited they've seen my face and told me. "musician or singer isn't loved by true fans from their features it's from their skill or voice." I got on stage and we started singing the album was 8 songs long it was a short album but didn't matter. The fans were screaming and singing. I finished the forth song. "Ok before we sing the song Youngblood. I've gotten a few tweets of me not showing my face so today is the day I show my true self." I say. I pull off my hood and ski mask. "WOOOO!" The crowd roared in excitement and happiness. "This song is for my ex Riley this ones for you." I say. I sing Youngblood (which is actually by 5 seconds of summer). When it says Youngblood and the beat drops I look at her. After awhile her and her mom walk out. I finished my concert and go home. I notice Corpse and Dream are awake and watching a video. "What you guys watching?" I ask. "You dealing with your ex girlfriend." Corpse says showing me tweet of my concert captioned Aceless is the lead singer of The Brotherhood? "I can explain." I say. "Go on." Dream says arms crossed. "I was going to tell you guys but I never got the time so I forgot and then I remembered 3 days ago about this concert and I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you guys would get mad I didn't tell you like what's happening now." I say. "Woah woah woah we aren't mad we were just wondering and to be fair all of us listen to your music." Corpse says. "Wait all of you?" I ask. "Well not Toast, Lud or Bretman." Dream says. "I started streaming because of Rae and I started singing for fun now I know all of you listen to my music not knowing I was singing?" I ask. "Ya pretty much we also saw a tweet showing you saying this ones to my ex and then shows your ex and her mom leaving." Corpse says. "Oh by the way I'm bisexual. I may have overheard you two chatting last night. When hiding things from me try to talk quieter." I say then I get a group call from Rae, Poki, Sykkuno and Karl. So I put them on speaker and sit on the couch picking up Nugget and answering the call on my tv. "Hey guys." The 3 of us say. "Oooh look at you Mr secret talent." Rae says sarcastically. "You saw the tweet?" I ask. "OF COURSE WE DID YOU ARE A MASSIVE STREAMER AND A MASSIVE SINGER!!" Rae yelled. "And a massive asshole for not telling us." Poki says. "Look I was going to but got busy. I then forgot, remembered 3 days before my concert and then I was worried I told you this would happen you get mad." I say petting Nugget. "Ok look Sykkuno, Karl and I aren't that mad it's Rae that's mad." Poki says. "Hey at least Rae was the one to get him to start streaming in the first place." Corpse says. I was on my laptop opening up Spotify and sending my new album to the group chat. "You four need to listen." I say. They listen to the 8 songs. "Which one was your favourite?" I ask. "Probably Youngblood." Rae says. "Ya that one." Poki agreed they all agreed and I told them. "I wrote song because of my ex and I had some help writing that song." I say. "From who?" Karl asks. "My Uhh ex." I say trying to hold in my laugh. Corpse and Dream start laughing and then we're all dying. I wipe my tears out of my eyes from laughing. "I hit a new level of revenge." I say. We all chat about whatever when I get a call from my band. "I'll be back." I say handing Corpse Nugget. I get up and answer the call. "Yep." I say. "Hey bitch." Riley said. "What did you do?" I ask nervously. "I may have murdered your band." Riley says. "You didn't." I say she takes a picture of each of their bodies. I see them and punch a hole in the wall out of anger. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHYYY!?" I ask in pure rage. "I'm going to leave you as my last prey I'll see you soon bye boo. Oh your band says bye also." Riley said laughing maniacally. I hang up enter my room and grab my bow and arrows. "Where are you going now?" Dream asks looking at my rage induced eyes and me clenching my fist around my bow. "You sure aren't going hunting." Dream asks. I walk over and send the photos to our group chat. "Wtf is this?" Karl asks. "My absolute sociopathic ex killed my band and called me showing me the bodies then taunted me about their death THAT SHE CAUSED and then laughed about it." I say. "So you're going to kill her?" Poki asked. "We'll try at least." I say. "Wait why not call the police?" Sykkuno asks "I called the police before when she killed other people and they tried capturing her and failed THEN let her run free." I said. "Wait let me call the police and tell them to let you help." Dream said. "They won't but if they do I'm killing her." I say. "Hello I would like to report a mass murderer." Dream said. "Her name is Riley Mohegan. She killed my friends band after a concert and is after him now." Dream said. "Wait my friend is also a skilled archer and wants to know if he can help." Dream said. "Ok good to know. Goodbye." Dream said. "The operator said you can help but try not to kill her." He said. "Good ok if I don't make it back please someone take care of Nugget." I say and leave to the police station. I arrived and meet up with the officers. "You must be Ace it's a pleasure so I heard your ex murdered your band. Can you show me pictures?" The captain asked. "Of course." I say as I open my phone and show him how she marinated them. "Ok so where do we find her?" He asks and just like that she calls me. I show them then answer. "Hey boo." She said. "Yes?" I ask. "Meet me at town square alone I want to chat." She says. "Alright I'll be there." I say. She hangs up and I tell the cops everything. We head to town square and they hide on the roof and around buildings. "Ok I'm here." I say. "You know why I killed your band?" She asks. "Because you want me back?" I ask. "Yes exactly wait are you reading my mind?" She asks. "Well no trying to control it yes." I say. She starts trying to fight me but I dodge her every moves. "You've gotten better." She says. "Ya and you've gotten worse." I say as she missed me again. She grabs a butchers knife and tries to stab me but trip her and dodge it. She flips around and lands. "That's what I've been waiting for." I say. We continue fighting then I hear the captain. "Let her almost win and we'll arrest her." He said through the ear piece. I understand the plan and start dodging slower. She cuts my arm and side. I get down on my knees and she puts the knife to my thought. "Why would you get sloppier?" She asks. "Distraction." I say the FBI and police force surround her. "Drop your weapon or we'll shoot." They say. She puts her hands up but doesn't drop the knife she quickly tries to stab me but I stab her in the neck with a lethal drug covered arrow. I see her body fall to the floor lifeless. I fall to my knees hands behind my back ready to be handcuffed. "We aren't going to cuff you. You did the right thing." The captain said. "B-but I killed her." I stutter still in shock. "Well you did do that but you did it to protect yourself and I don't care if someone kills someone in front of a police officer only if the person did that in self defence." He says he drives me home and I walk through the door with a cut on my arm and my side. "Omg you're alive, but your injured." Dream said. "It's not a big deal." I say closing and locking the door since it's late. I see Corpse grab the first aid kit. Dream has me lay down on the couch. I notice the call is finished and the news is on. "Now onto the news that just occurred within 1 hour ago. Online streamer and lead singer of the Brotherhood saved the day by killing sociopath Riley Mohegan after she sent him photos of her recent murders of the Brotherhood's guitarists Jamie and Keegan Lalonde, drummer Tommy Oaks and keyboardist Johnny Grey." The news reporter says. "Wow I made the news." I say. "Ya now breath in." Dream said as he stitched up my side. I do as I'm told and it isn't loose and isn't too tight he then stitches my arm. "Thanks Dream and Corpse. "Oh hello my little Nugget." I say seeing a sleepy baby corgi walk up to me. I pick him up and slowly sit up holding Nugget in my arms. "You did good today." Corpse says. "Thanks." I say thinking of who to date. "I was wondering." They say at the same time. "I guess I'll have to date both of them." I mumble getting up and walking to my room. "Where are you going?" Dream asks. "Bed both of you better be up by 10 am. I'll explain later." I say. I put Nugget and fall asleep immediately.
Jeez this was long
Word count: 1855

Faceless || Corpse x Dream x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now