- The Final Concert -

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I woke up at 8 am and let Nugget out to go to the bathroom. I let him in and made a coffee. I had an idea since I am not making anymore songs I decided to make one final challenge for my Brotherhood fans. I posted on the Brotherhood's Twitter and wrote 'For anyone wondering after last night's incident I will no longer be releasing songs so for one final goodbye I want you, my fans to write a parody of a song we released and singing the lyrics you wrote then retweet to this account I will react to it on my YouTube *Insert URL to Aceless YouTube* I will be reacting to you singing in 14 days so hope you. I will be participating too.' I post. I then think of an idea. I wait for Corpse and Dream to wake up. I made my pumpkin spice latte and scrolled through tiktok and saw a lot of people posting them recreating their reaction to the news. I start to tear up all over again. The news also posted the video of me fighting like a badass on tiktok and captioned it Aceless fighting like a true superhero. I heard Dream and Corpse walk up. "Morning." I say. "Good morning." Corpse says. "I was thinking of making a gaming organization in remembrance of the band. I guess it would just be the Brotherhood like it's been." I say. "Ya that's cool if you're creating it we'll be there." Dream says cheerfully. "So what was it you wanted us up this early for?" Corpse asks sitting down. "You both wanted to date me right?" I ask. "Right." They say. I stand up and slam the table then yell. "Poly!" They smile and look at me. "So the three of us dating?" Dream asks. "Exactly." I say. "We aren't going to tell our fan base for a while." Corpse says. "Ok well I'm going to get ready to go to the gym." I say. I pack my socks, water bottle, extra clothes and grab my keys. "You two take care of Nugget." I say. I open the front door and see a group of people outside. "Never mind. You two may not be leaving for a while." I say quickly and quietly shutting the door. "News reporters and Paparazzi." I sigh. "So no date today?" Dream asks. "Nope so I'm going to stream." I say I hook up my webcam and I get my stream set up. I realize I've never shown my address. I check the video the news account posted and yep it showed my address. I leave my room and call the police. "Hello 911 what's your emergency?" The operator asks. "Hi this is Ace Jackson I was wondering if I could get an officer to get a group of news reporters and Paparazzi off my lawn." I ask. "Of course do you know why they're there?" She asks. "Yes the news posted a video of last night and it showed my address." I say walking into the kitchen where Corpse and Dream are and they turn to me quickly. "Yep a few officers are on their way." She said. "Oh ok thanks." I say and hang up. "What was that?" Dream asks. "The police are coming to kick these people off my lawn." I say as I call the news. "Hello?" A guy asks. "Hi I'm going to have to ask you to take the video of me fighting last night off Tiktok because it had shown my address and there are people on my lawn." I say. "I'm sorry but who is this?" He asked. "This is Ace Jackson and if you don't I will shut your whole career and job down." I say. "Is that a threat?" He asks. "No it's a warning don't do it and I will call the police and shut your news program down." I say. "Ok ok we're taking the video down." He said. I check my phone and it's down. "Thank you now have a bless day." I say hanging up.

A/n I do realize that you have to ask tiktok to take it down but I didn't realize it until afterwards and I'm not erasing it because it just proves more how quickly Ace will put someone in their place

I see the people get off my lawn so I go stream. Everyone in chat was either taking about how sorry they are or how lost and confused they are. "It's ok chat my band is in a better place but this twitch is a fun and happy place if you want to say how sorry you are post it on Twitter and I will read it." I say. I finished streaming and head to Dream and Corpse's room where they're playing games on their pc cause they brought it. "Hey guys I'm getting ready for our date." I say. They show their on discord. "Shit welp get ready or else." I say. I go in my room and get dressed in something casual but including a not oversized hoodie. I was wearing a piece of my merch. A snug fit sweater. I got my shoes and waited 2 minutes for Dream and Corpse to come out. "Alright where are we going?" Corpse asks. "You'll see." I say. I arrive at a park with a small stage set up and Rae, Sykkuno, Poki and Karl waiting on a few lawn chairs with two empty. They got out and I told them to sit down. I got my microphone stand and speaker set up. I grab my microphone and hook it up. The park is busy but is far from where we are. I take a deep breath and start doing 'Karaoke' it's just you singing while the instrumentals play from another speaker. I made sure I was wearing my collar. "Testing. Does it sound good?" I ask my friends. They smile and nod. I start to sing songs from our first 3 albums. About 50 other people came from the other side of the park and started to sing along. It made me smile seeing all those happy faces watching me sing. I finished singing my second most recent album. "Ok the most recent album. Brotherhood's fall but no being sad just keep smiling knowing you've dealt with something extremely difficult so there is better yet to come." I say and start singing I purposely skip over Youngblood as during the stream I changed the lyrics and name to relate to loss and getting over it. I finished 7 of 8 songs. "The final song which used to be Youngblood has now changed everything other then the instrumentals. TO THE BROTHERHOOD!" I yell. They all repeat me. I sing the new song and keep thinking how proud the crew is of me. "Thank you." I say. I then sign things and receive gifts. This one girl who was like 12 made a realistic sculpture of me and the crew as spirits of clay. I see Corpse, Dream and my other friends signing a few things. Everyone leaves and it's just me and my friends. "I can't believe this started and was planned to just be me and my friends to a small concert with over 100 people watching." I say. "Well how did it feel?" Karl asks. I stayed silent for a few seconds. "Honestly I haven't felt more proud of myself and I would say making more music and content and see people's faces showing their happiness and I want to well." I say. "Well what?"Rae asks. "How would you guys wanna be in a gaming organization were our only goal is to make people happy. There's too much sadness and cruel thoughts." I say. "That would be great but what would we call it?" Poki asks. "It would just be the Brotherhood. That was our goal to start with we just wanted people to be happy listening to our music and forget how cruel the world was." I say. "That sounds great I'm in." Sykkuno says. We all agree to join I put a hand in and they all follow. "Oath to make our fans and viewers happy." I say. We all raise our hand and hang out as we all went home I helped Corpse and Dream pack up they left the day after and I was happy to be working on something to continue the Brotherhood.

Word Count: 1415

Faceless || Corpse x Dream x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now