Learning The Truth

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    Harry was up late at night, counting down the minutes he has left before he turns thirteen. He always did this, to him it was a tradition to do this. As the clock hit 00:00 he felt a sudden sharp pain all over his body.

He bit back a scream, not wanting to be hit anymore than he'd normally get. Wings started to grow on his back, starting as tiny bones poking out his back, then growing longer and bigger until they were bigger than his room.

The skin and feathers started to grow until they were enclosed around the bones and attached to the other bones.

His eyes started to change, the golden colour overtaking the green in his eyes. Black horns slowly poked out of his head until they started curving uniquely at the beginning until they continued up straight, he even grew taller.

He fainted from the pain of these changes. When he awoke, he felt as though he was different, he got up, noticing that he seemed taller and that he can see without glasses.

He quickly walked over to the broken mirror on the wall, one of Dudley's old presents that he broke in anger when he discovered his room stunk and clothes were piled all around his room.

He noticed the glow coming from his eyes, he thought his appearance was incredible, but he knew that if his aunt and uncle see this, they'd get angry and beat him up.

Most likely kill him. He heard tapping on a window outside of the cupboard. He got out, walking carefully through the house and to the window.

He saw an owl tapping on the window, and he opened it, taking the envelope that was in its talons. The owl quickly left.

He opened the envelope which seemed to have a familiar insignia on it. He read the contents of the letter.

Dear Harry Potter,

It's come to our attention that you have gained an early creature inheritance, we will check over your inheritance and other stuff, it has also come to our attention that there are discrepancies in the Potter account so we would also like for you to come and fix that with us. If you want to get here right now, I suggest you use the port key in the envelope, the word is Ragnuk.

From, Ragnok of Gringotts.

Harry pulled out the port key from the envelope and whispered, "Ragnuk." He was no longer in the dark living room of the Dursleys, but instead, in front of the white building of Gringotts.

He walked in quickly, he was slightly nervous, he wasn't certain what to expect, though he knew he was in for something for certain.

Two goblin guards were standing outside, they bowed, and he bowed back to them, which seemed to surprise them, normally they're used to people ignoring them.

Harry walked inside Gringotts. He walked up to the first goblin he could chat with, "I need to speak with Ragnok."

The goblin nodded, "right this way, Mr Potter." He took him towards Ragnok, he sat down in a room with Ragnok.

Ragnok pushed a parchment and blade to Harry, "seven drops of blood on the parchment." Harry picked up the blade, cutting his finger and letting seven drops of blood hit the parchment.

He quickly healed his finger and looked at the parchment which was now covered in words. He read them carefully,

Birth Certificate (Fake)

Name: Harry James Potter

Mother: Lily (née Evans) Potter [Deceased]

Father: James Potter

Heir to the House of Potter
Heir to the House of Black
Lord to Gryffindor
Lord to Peverell

Soulmates: None

Birth Certificate (Real)

Name: Hadrian James Sirius Remus Potter-Snape (Half Stag-Half Angel) {yes I made his name longer than Dumbledick's, I'm petty like that}

Mother (via MPreg): Severus Snape [Alive] (Angel)

Father: James Potter [Missing] (Stag)

Heir to the House of Potter
Heir to the House of Black
Heir to the House of Prince
Lord of Gryffindor
Lord of Peverell
Lord of Emrys

Soulmates: Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle

Friendliness to the Weasleys, Hermione Granger, and Dumbledore
Love Attraction towards Ginny Weasley
Hatred to Snape, the Malfoys, Tom Riddle, and Death Eaters

Block of Intelligence (12% destroyed)
Block of Animagus (5% destroyed)
Block of Parseltongue (100% destroyed)
Block of Shadow Step (60% destroyed)
Block of Master of Death (30% destroyed)

Marriage Certificate: To Ginny Weasley

Money Given:
To Dumbledore 200,000 Galleons
To Hermione Granger 4,000 Galleons
To the Weasleys 70,000 Galleons
To the Dursleys 2,000 Galleons

He couldn't believe what he just read, his friends had been stealing from him? He was forced to trust his friends? Everyone he trusted betrayed him!

Someone was even paying the Dursleys! What a monster! The more he stared at the parchment, the angrier he got.

He quickly realised he shouldn't be this angry, that he should've noticed this before. He growled, "remove the blocks and compulsions, annul the marriage certificate, give me my lordships and heirships, and give me back the money that was stolen from me, Ragnok, please."

Ragnok smirked, he knew that anyone who finds a way to bypass the laws of Gringotts will suffer. They began to take care of the whole situation, which started first with a ritual to get rid of the blocks and compulsions.

It was a painful process, but Hadrian was glad it was over. The marriage certificate was taken care of by a little needle that was stabbed into his right hand.

Ragnok had walked out of the room for a moment to get the boxes full of Hadrian's rings of heirship and lordship.

Ragnok assured Hadrian that he'll get his money back and if anything, Hadrian should start looking for his parents. Hadrian told him after everything he did for him, "may your gold flow forever."

Ragnok responded hastily, "and may your enemies fall at your feet, Hadrian." Ragnok smiled, clearly pleased with what Hadrian is doing, and it was more than likely going to get the goblins on his side.

Ragnok turned his back...now to deal with those pesky people who are stealing from a man far more powerful than anyone else.

Hadrian went to go find people who could help him find a place to live away from his abusers.

He realised he could look for the Malfoys, knowing they might be somewhere around Knockturn Alley buying things.

So he decided he was going to search there, and with his differences, they most likely won't recognise him.

He could tell them that he is Hadrian Snape, not like it's wrong in any way, it is his name, after all, it's just nobody knew.

He walked through Knockturn Alley, he saw long, whitish blonde hair among the many people there, they were also holding a cane, and he walked over to them.

"Hello there, you're...Lucius Malfoy, right?" Hadrian asked, the man turned and it was confirmed to be Lucius.

He narrowed his eyes, "yes, what do you need child?" He asked, "do you know a way I can get in contact with Snape?"

He raised a brow, "what do you need him for?" Hadrian passed over the parchment to Lucius. He was sceptical about it but read through the entire thing.

His eyes widened, "y-yes, right this way, Hadrian." He quickly took Hadrian through Knockturn.

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