You're Safe Now

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    I knocked on the door to 4 Privet Drive, I was expecting to see Hadrian open the door, but instead, I was met with Lily's sister, Petunia.

I asked, "where is Harry?" She told me, "oh, he's been sent to his room, he has been very bad, running away from home in the middle of the night! Oh, what did we do to deserve such a bad child?"

I heard the sound of something wet dripping on the ground and laughter. I asked, "is everything alright here?"

She put on a forced smile, "yes everything's fine, now leave."

I told her, "I'm not leaving, I've come here to pick up Harry, he's my top priority especially since he's my son." Petunia scrunched up her nose, "he's not your son, my sister who died is his mother."

She was about to slam the door on my face when I kicked down the door, not caring for the ruckus I was about to cause.

I walked past her, looking for Hadrian, when I found him, he was on the ground coughing up blood and breathing heavily.

I saw Vernon was above him, his face a beet red. I growled, "what do you think you're doing?!" I pulled out my wand, feeling my wings appear on my back.

I was seething with rage. Vernon shouted, "who do you think you are breaking into my home!" I growled, "you are a monster, you deserve the worst punishment I can give you as a Wix...Crucio!"

I waved my wand and let the cruciatus curse take effect on him. He screamed in agony, falling to the ground.

I stormed over to Hadrian, who had lost consciousness when I had used the curse upon Vernon.

I always hated Petunia and her husband, they were such disgusting mudbloods. I picked him up, using my magic to carefully pack up his things and get him out of there and into a loving home.

I don't care if this gets me in trouble with the ministry of magic, all I need to do is protect my son and figure out where my husband is.

I left the house, I glared at Petunia who gave me a terrified look, I smirked, "serves you right, mudblood."

She realised what I just called her, she knew the derogatory terms from the Wixen World, she glared back at me, I just left her glaring at me, it's not like she's going to be able to stop me, she knows she'll only end up like her husband.

I Apparated to my manor. I took him carefully to my potions lab, I started gathering all the materials I needed. I went to my cauldron and started to make the healing potion for him.

After I finished, I decided I would wait a moment and check the damage done to him. I hoped that Hadrian is alright, I removed his clothes carefully, I noticed there were a lot more injuries than I thought, then I realised they'd been abusing him.

My anger was overtaking me, I decided I was going to kill Vernon and Petunia, if their brat did things to him too, I'll kill them all!

I laughed like a maniac, I couldn't hold back my thoughts of killing them, hell I don't care if I scare my fellow death eaters with the way I am when my children are in trouble!

I decided a few minutes of torturing them would be fine, at least the wand I've been using hasn't been registered under the ministry, so they wouldn't be able to pin it on me.

I apparated to their house again. I walked inside, letting myself become shadows. I pulled out my wand.

I saw that Petunia was patting Vernon on the back, telling him that he'll be alright. I used my shadow magic to start yanking Petunia away from Vernon.

I used it to put around her neck a shadowy loop of rope. I started pulling up until she was choking, Vernon tried pulling her down, and I sent a pack of wolves after Vernon.

I laughed, revealing myself from the shadows, "ah, you bastards don't deserve to live, you are abusive parents, I'm worried about your son if you'd take it out on him too."

Vernon screamed as the wolves tore him apart, by then Petunia was dead, hanging from the ceiling. Their child came at me, trying to punch me, but I simply dodged.

I hissed, "insolent brat!" I decided to leave their child with no arms and no parents. He bled on the floor as I apparated back to my manor.

I walked back to my potion lab. I gave Hadrian a drink of the healing potion, and I put back on his clothes as I started questioning myself about what to do with these scars all over his body, and I certainly won't trust Dumbledore anymore.

I am going to make sure that everyone knows what an evil bastard he is, he killed Lily and faked the betrayal and death of my husband!

Hadrian started coughing and woke up, I looked at him and smiled sweetly, "hey, you're home now."

He hugged me, to be honest, it felt really weird letting out my bitterness from life, and the joy I have from accepting my son again.

I felt the tears well up, I couldn't believe myself, I have been rude to the person who had been in the same situation as I had, though his was worse.

I knew I could at least show my emotions to one person or maybe even vent to him. He asked, "do you want to talk about your bitterness? I wouldn't mind if you yell at me a little."

I smiled, "of course..."

"It all started in Hogwarts"

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