Meeting Mother

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I followed Lucius to the Floo Network in Knockturn. He turned to me, "now, he may be very wary of you, but do not fret, I'm certain once he realises who you are, he'll take you in and protect you very well."

I nodded, "of course." He gave me floo powder. He tossed it down and said, "Malfoy manor!"

I followed suit with him. I nearly tumbled over, but I quickly caught myself. I looked around the manor, it was beautiful.

There was green with golden hints all over the furniture and greyish black walls surrounding him, the corners of the room seemed to have black marble pillars. I liked it.

Draco and his mother were sitting down on the furniture. She smiled sweetly, "ah, you've returned Lucius, darling, do you have what we need? Oh? Who's this?"

Draco eyed me suspiciously, I waved at him nervously, and I realised there was no reason to be afraid, he's my soulmate after all.

I walked over to him, taking his hand into mine. He turned to me, confused about what I was planning.

I kissed his knuckles, "it's with great pleasure to meet the heir of the Malfoy House." His face flushed a bright pink.

I smiled sweetly at him, I looked over at his parents. Lucius told her, "we need to send a letter to Snape, tell him we need him right now, Narcissa."

Narcissa nodded and quickly began writing to Snape. I was nervous, what if he doesn't accept me because of my other father? I know he held a big grudge against him, but I never understood why.

Draco asked me, "what's your name?" I smiled, glad that I could now have a good relationship with Draco.

"My name is Hadrian Snape," I explained to him, he nodded, "I didn't know Snape had a child."

I told him, "neither did I, I just discovered it recently, but at least I can go to the family I truly belong with."

I heard the sound of one of the other rooms floo networks being used. Snape came sauntering into the room.

When he saw me, his eyes narrowed, "Mr Potter, whatever are you doing here?" Draco was surprised to figure out that I was his enemy.

I got up, "I just got my creature inheritance, my birth certificate came out and revealed I'm related to you."

He seemed upset to see me, Lucius asked, "are you alright, Snape?" Snape was seething in front of us, suddenly he appeared in front of me and grabbed me by my collar.

I flinched, remembering everything that my uncle did to me every time he grabbed me like that, he yelled, "I don't wish to see your face any longer than I have to, your father left me for a friend! He died protecting the child we had, otherwise known as, you."

He said that last word with clear venom, what happened? Narcissa quickly put her hand on my father's shoulder, and Lucius did the same, and Narcissa told him, "wait, I think he's still alive, it stated that he was missing, not deceased."

My father let go of my collar, causing me to be dropped to the floor. I grunted as it kind of hurt. My father looked at her with big wide eyes.

Lucius nodded, "I can confirm, I saw it first," he gave him the parchment, "this right here confirms what we are both claiming if you don't believe us."

He read it over, tears started pouring out of his eyes. I couldn't believe it, this was the first time I saw him cry. Now that I think about it, he never really showed emotions, he probably did that as a cover to the others that he's not grieving over his husband's 'death.'

He hugged Lucius who seemed quite surprised by his reaction. He also seemed to know that he never really showed emotions like this.

He suddenly turned into a woman, though she still retained the height she was. Her tears were of joy, "my husband is still alive! I can still look for him!"

Draco turned to me, clearly wanting to question how I don't seem bothered by the fact that she just changed into a woman, but knowing that I most likely want to keep it secret.

She turned to me, hugging me, "I am so sorry, I treated you so terribly, Hadrian!"

I hugged her back, "it's alright...mother?" She smiled, "yes yes, call me mother or father, whichever's better for you, I'm gender fluid so it doesn't matter!"

I'm slightly confused by this whole ordeal, I mean, I knew Snape was different, by acting more feminine or masculine in a day, but I never knew what this 'gender fluid' thing is.

She let me go, "I'll gladly take you in, Hadrian. Go back to the Dursleys and start packing your things, I'll be there by noon."

I smiled, "alright mom!" I jumped up and went to Diagon Alley using the Floo Network. I walked back home, changing my appearance to be that of my old self, when I entered the house, I noticed that Vernon was standing in front of the door.

His face was very red, I gulped, knowing he was going to attack me. He grabbed me by the neck, and spat in my face, "you ungrateful piece of shit! We gave you a home and you run away?!"

I gave him a snarky remark, "well if you weren't such abusive assholes, I probably would've waited until the morning to show you."

He punched me in the face, I felt the pain sear through my body. He tossed me against the wall, "that'd teach you to respect those who care for you!!"

I felt tears and blood fall down my face, I smirked, "oh, you're so dead today, you won't be alive to see me succeed in life while your precious, 'innocent' Dudley will fall into despair and end up arrested as he should be."

He yelled, "what did you say?!? Do you think you have every right to say that?!" I laughed like a maniac, "also congratulations, you've lost all money you were getting from my inheritance."

He turned pale, he realised that he just lost a crap ton of money. He kicked me in the stomach, I started coughing up blood, though my smile stayed, mocking him.

I knew the more he does it, the worse position he gets in. Especially with my real mother being a badass.

I laughed, "another thing, I'm not even related to you, Lily Potter, my supposed mother? Yea, she wasn't even my mother, my real mother is a professor at Hogwarts."

I was just making him want to attack me more. He kicked me in the throat, so now I was out of breath and coughing up blood.

As I began seeing dark spots take over my vision, I heard my mother growl, "what do you think you're doing?" After that, I fainted from being unable to breathe.

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