Chapter Twenty-Six: Corona Skyletto's Last

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Sybil clutched her brother's hand tightly as they followed their guard, Philla. Her red hair was draped, usually so neat and orderly, was flying behind her in twisted frays.

They ran with haste but tried to keep an air of stealth, their footfalls making dull clicks as they hit the polished floors of the old manor, their eyes dancing in the soft torchlit of night. The statues that graced the halls seemed to hold a collected breath, their blank, expressionless eyes watching them as they dashed by, pursuing the safety of the stable barn, their target. They had to leave now; they had no choice but to leave the place they once found safety.

Corona Skyletto had been breached.

Without the gate, the Andanobii had swarmed in, they never had a chance. They hadn't even seen them coming because they no longer had the vantage point to see the winding path that led to the manor. When they had struck, they came like the night, breaching the castle before they could stop them. The alarm had been raised, but too late, the enemy was in.

Sybil's breath came fast as she tried to keep up with young Mathias and agile Philla. She was getting dragged along, her feet barely hitting the ground.

Mathias turned back to look at his sister "Keep up." Sybil tried, but soon enough she let her brother's hand slip from her grasp as she slowed to a weary jog "I'll catch up," she said through heavy breathing. Mathias gave her a fearful look "Please, just keep running, we're almost there." Sybil shook her head "I'm sorry, Mathias, I'm exhausted. I'll be right behind you," she promised.

With a look back, Mathias took off down the hallway, taking off after Philla, who didn't seem to notice Sybil's disappearance. Sybil took off slower, making sure to keep them just within her sight. Her breathing evened out as she got used to the pace. She heard a loud bang behind her. She turned her head. And screamed.

An Andanobian was sprinting after her, a bloody chain swinging in his right hand. She looked down the hall and saw a guard crumpled on the ground.

Sybil tore after Mathias, clutching the knife in her pocket, ready to pull it out if need be "Mathias! Philla!" They both turned quickly. Philla acted first, drawing her longbow and fitting an arrow. The shot rang out almost immediately, and an arrow sprang forth, blurring past Sybil. She turned around once more and saw as the arrow was snapped out of the air with ease. Philla shot another arrow followed up with a second. She saw as Mathias twisted behind Philla.

The arrows were a siren's song, calling out death as they whistled at their target. They struck home and the Andanobii's chain fell to the ground and his body twisted before striking the ground.

Philla ran up to Sybil, her fair face wrought with worry "Why'd you fall back? You could have been captured, or even killed!"

Sybil bowed her head in shame, loosening her grip on the knife handle "I'm sorry I caused you to worry, Philla. Let us go to avoid further cravens. I promise I'll keep up, my body is full of nervous energy now, anyways."

After a deep sigh, Philla nodded "Whew, ok, ok, I forgive you. Keep up, please." They set off once again and found there way into a stone tunnel. Mildew clung to the walls and icicles hung from the ceiling. The group looked both ways as the exited it, taking off across the snowy ground and towards the stable.

As they pushed open the large, worn doors, a echo of footfalls reached their ears. With haste, they saddled Lotus, and a horse of Sybil's choice. Philla swung onto her horse and Sybil watched as her ruby eyes darted around. She locked eyes with the princess's "We need to leave. Now."

They set there mounts to a gallop as soon as they were through the stable doors. They headed for the southward trail, the one that led to a hidden path. Sybil knew they were close.

But the enemy was closer.

A group of ten Andanobii blocked their path and they raised their ringed hands. Before Sybil could shout out an alarm, shadowed blades formed and sliced through the air, seeking out their targets. Sybil's eyes widened, clutching the knife, drawing it from her cloak and holding it before her, knowing that it wouldn't save her. And then Philla raised her hand. A wall of crackling yellow energy burst around the trio and the dark swords exploded into ashes, the darkness completely eradicated.

Sybil watched as the shield dropped and could only stare at Philla as she shot down three of the Andanobians with arrows from her bow, her arms almost a blur as she took aim and shot at a miraculous speed. Waving her hand, pillars of yellow energy erupted from under their feet, consuming the last seven enemies in mere seconds. A silhouette of electric yellow that had settled over her filtered away, auric energy sparking off her red hair.

Sybil stuttered "Your a-an elemental warrior!?" I never knew!" Philla smiled guiltily "And a Class A at that. I won't let any harm come to you, trust me. I gave my most solemn promise when I took this role that I would protect you two at the cost of all else, no harm will befall you on my watch." Sybil felt like she could believe in that. Philla had never once seemed scared, just worried for their well being.

She continued briskly "I just don't like to overuse my magic, saving up my aura is better for when I really need it, plus, if I ever failed to kill an enemy and we both lived, they could report their knowledge of my prowess to their leader, in which case I'd surely be killed...." She gave a wry smile "now isn't the time for such things. We have to go, and fast, before more of those underlings decide to rear their ugly heads."

Sybil and Mathias looked at each other before smiling at Philla, bringing their mounts into a canter. As Sybil rode close behind them, she let a small grin slip onto her face, even given the danger, placing her only weapon securely away. With Philla here, we'll be alright.

DragonDog1: Promises are risky business, but only one will cast the dice. Please comment and vote because your opinions matter to me greatly. Thank you!

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