| 09. his latest flame

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Her muscles felt as if they were burning in the fire of a thousand suns as she quickly pedaled herself home on her bicycle. Dannie was racing to get back to her house, ready to isolate herself in her room and attempt to decompress from what she had just witnessed and discovered. She could still feel a tightness deep in her chest that was growing tired of being held within.

Dr. Owens had given her as much as time as she needed within the Rainbow Room. Once he left to resume his own studies, Dannie observed every inch of the room as hundreds of questions appeared in her head. But eventually, the unanswered questions became suffocating, and she decided it was best to leave them be...for now. When she forced herself to face enough, she left the lab with a guard that was instructed to drive her back to the doctor's house. She biked herself home hastily from there.

The darkened shadow of her house finally came into view, and Dannie could also see three figures standing near a car's opened trunk. Dannie slowed and tried to catch her breath as she approached them. Steve, Claire, and Dustin all turned to face her as she threw her bike to the ground, bent over, and placed her hands on her knees to breathe.

"Dannie!" Claire yelled as she sped over to her friend, "Dannie, you will not believe what your brother has been going on and on about for hours. Some weird alien looking thing ate Mews?!"

Dannie raised her head to give Dustin a threatening look. His eyes widened, looking like an animal stopped in front of incoming traffic.

"I thought I told you to keep her out of this!" Dannie shouted with disbelief and a small amount of anger.

"Listen, I tried, okay?" Dustin argued. "But once we ran into Steve, it was just easier to spit it out!"

"Wait," Claire looked between the siblings, puzzled. "You know about this?"


"What happened with Dr. Owens? Did he take you to the lab?" Dustin questioned, cutting his sister off.

"Why would Dannie go to the lab? I doubt they would even let her in." Steve interjected.

"What the hell are you guys talking about now?" Claire shouted over them.

"Guys!" Dannie yelled the loudest. "Can we please shut up for a few seconds? Jesus."

Everyone fell silent and stared at Dannie. She stood as the rising and falling of her chest evened out. She looked back at the faces peering blankly at her as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I will try to explain everything later, okay?" Dannie huffed. "But for now, we need to deal with...whatever its name is again."

"His name is Dart!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Well, did you find anyone that could help? Besides Harrington?"

Steve raised his arms as if he was rendered useless.

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