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(I was listening to antithesis what did you expect)

"I wonder when the rain's going to stop." Snow sighed, letting her hand rest on the blinds. The neon signs across the street shone through the blinds in slits of pink through the dark, foggy haze, illuminating her almost ethereally.
I snubbed out my cigarette, crossing the office to her side.
Slowly, I pressed my lips to the back of her head, bringing my hands up to hold her arms.

She shivered under my touch, and I could feel them even through her blouse.
I buried my nose in her hair, slowly rubbing her arms.
"Come sit with me," I murmured, inhaling her scent. She mumbled something I couldn't quite make out but leaned against me, her back to my chest and my face in her hair. It was divine.
She slid one of her hands over mine. She was soft, her touch as light as a whisper.
"You're hands are warm..." She mumbled, her fingertips tracing my knuckles, dragging curious but eager touches over me. I bit down a growl, feeling myself start slipping. I was enjoying this.
"You're warm," I murmured, pressing a slow kiss to her neck. I could feel her pulse pounding under her smooth skin, and the vibration of her stifled moan as I kissed her.
Her head tilted back against my shoulder, and I slid one of my hands up her arm to her neck, gently pushing her hair out of my way as I continued to claim her neck as my own.

"Mm...that feels nice," she murmured as I swept to the back of her neck, right at her nape. Smirking to myself, I softly rubbed my nose against the base of her head, where she had kept her hair pulled back all day. She sighed, her hands reaching for mine and entwining our fingers.
Continuing my caress of my lips to her hair, I kept her pulled close, slowly rocking her body with mine, swaying slightly. She giggled softly.
"Come on," I murmured, guiding her down with me into my chair.
As I pulled her into my lap, she smirked as I slid her legs over mine, her arms falling into place around my shoulders. With another soft sigh, she leaned against my chest, and I kissed her forehead while her hands drifted through my hair.
"I love you." I mumbled against her forehead, and she pulled away from me a bit. The neon lights were reflecting in her studious eyes.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered, my hand drifting over her thighs, and I felt the shivers in her skin again.
The hands that were playing with my hair guided my head forward, and I caught her smirk.
"I love you too," She murmured against my lips, and I could hear her heartbeat even over the rain.
Neither of us knew how long we sat there together, curled up in my chair, kissing and listening to the rain fall on a city both of us despised. Nothing mattered except for what we were holding onto. And it was divine.

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