werewoof floof

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extreme (and ongoing) cheesy fluffiness ahead >:D

"It's just..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, avoiding my eyes. I tilted my head, fairly amused by how he was going about this.
"Full moon's tonight," He grumbled, his words little more than an embarrassed mutter. "I can get kind of...anxious." As if to prove that, he struck up a cigarette, turning his head as he lit it so I couldn't see his face.
I smirked. "Well, I know I've seen that before. Why would tonight be any different?" I crossed my arms, watching him in amusement, finding his nervous twitches adorable. His hands went to his sleeves, tightening them where they were already rolled up on his arms.

He let out a deep breath, smoke billowing from his lips. I could see the slight glow to his eyes behind the haze, and I knew what was coming next.
"Because tonight...I was thinking about, um...since it's been a while since I've...thoroughly relaxed, so to speak, I-"
"Say no more," I chuckled, reaching over to rest my hand on his shoulder. His eyes went wide at the sudden contact, then flickered up to meet mine. I smiled softly at him, hoping he would take me up on my offer.

"How about you come up to my place, then? There's plenty of room if you need some space, and um...I'll be there if you...need me for anything?" I finished, my face burning at how my voice lifted as I offered myself up, realizing I had never actually...spent a night with him before.
No, all-night shifts at the office did not count.
"Are-Are you...sure?"  He asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he glanced down at where my hand still rested upon his shoulder. I suddenly lifted it, a sudden wave of realization crashing into me. What if this was making him uncomfortable?!
"Of course! But um... I mean if you don't want to that's-" I stammered, but I was quickly cut off as he leaned forward and his head met my hand.
Like a dog asking for pets...

I went stiff in surprise. My fingers were now buried in his hair, and I noticed how much thicker it felt, as it had slightly  became longer. Which actually felt kind of...really nice...
Just as I relaxed to let my fingers scratch at his hair, he pulled back, his eyes widening again. I could see my own flustered expression on his face as we both realized what we were doing.
"I'm sorry...I thought that's what you were...moving your hand to do," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. I glanced at my own, still suspended where he had been leaning against it. I blinked, quickly catching up.
"I um...I totally can do that...if you want me to. I don't mind." I managed a smile, which almost hurt on my burning face. How does he do this to me??
He tilted his head, scratching behind his ear again. "Well... I think I might have to ask you to, Snow..."
He glanced up, giving me a tentative smile. I've never seen him like this before...

"That is, if your offer still stands?" He asked hopefully, fidgeting with his tie.
"You know it does," Smiling softly, I lifted my hand to tuck a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, then in a moment of daring, reached over to hold his hand, my fingers winding through his.
He raised an eyebrow, but didn't pull away. Instead his fingers promptly curled around mine in response.
"So let's go get you taken care of, okay?" I said, pulling him up from the desk and leading him to the elevators. He followed obediently, chuckling.
"That's all I'm asking for." I heard him whisper, and I smiled softly to myself.
Then it's your lucky day, Wolf.


"I don't want to alarm you or anything, but-"
"Shh. That's literally impossible for you to do. I met you like this, remember?" I whispered reaching up to run my hands through his hair, like I had done before. He leaning eagerly into my touch, his hands reaching up to hold my arms. I could feel him grow warmer, his body beginning to undergo the change.
"How could I forget?" He rumbled, his hands sliding down my arms and to my waist.
I shivered slightly under his touch. He lifted his head, and the luminous intensity was burning in his eyes. With a look that set my own senses on fire.

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