one chilly evening

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yeah i was falling asleep halfway through writing this and didn't bother proofreading, but it's a cold winter evening and our beloved dumbass is looking for a way to stay warm :3

I tossed and turned on my couch, feeling a stark chill in the air. My eyes opened to the dark flat, and I groaned.
I swear to god if Colin had left the window open...
I got up and stepped over to the window with a huff. Not only had the porker left it  open before I ran him out earlier this evening, but he had the good graces to not tell me the radiator had went out.

I hadn't even noticed as I had all but immediately fell asleep after getting in after working for 13 hours straight. But now that I was awake, I had nothing to brace me against the winter chill steadily seeping into my tiny apartment.
I growled slightly, smacking the radiator halfheartedly. I didn't know two shits about fixing these kinds of things, I would have to call Fly in when he wasn't sleeping.
Scratching at my jaw, I racked my weary brain for any possible solution, before I smirked as one possible one came to mind.
Snow might have spare blankets...but do I really wanna wake her up over something like this?

I reached for my cigarettes I had cast to the coffee table. I knew she most likely wouldn't mind if she knew why I needed them...but would she be willing to give them if I woke her up this late..?
I slammed the window down, but I knew it wouldn't block the cold air.
I'll just go down to my office and get my coat...that way I won't be bothering her and I'll have something to help me. Problem solved.

I snubbed out my cigarette and headed for the door, not even bothering to slide my shoes back on. I didn't even make it three steps out the door before I stopped in my tracks, surprised at who I saw wandering the halls at this late hour.
"Snow? What are you doing up so late?"
She turned around in surprise, no doubt not expecting me to be up either.

"Uhm...I just got done working. Bluebeard kept me late carrying on about taxation...ugh he can't ever take no for an answer sometimes." She sighed, pushing a lock of her loose hair behind her ear.
I mentally growled. He's such an asshole about the most unnecessary things...He knows damn well the citizens don't have that kind of money that we don't even need...not to mention keeping her up about it-
She gave me a half-smile, and my heart twinged at the exhausted look in her eyes.
"I could ask the same about you, Bigby. How come you're up at this hour?"

I smirked. "Colin had left the window open left and didn't tell me my radiator was busted so I was just getting out of that icebox for a bit." I shoved my hand in my pocket. "I might just go sleep in my office for the night."
Her eyebrows knit together as a sympathetic look clouded her eyes. "Oh...have you called Fly to fix it?"
I shrugged. "It can wait till the morning. I'll be fine." I smiled at her as I started to walk away yet something inside was kicking me for it. Something that needed to shut up and let me walk awa-

"Well...hey, I have some extra blankets at my place if you want..?"
I stopped and glanced up at her. She gave me small smile. Well damn.
"I mean...I'm not stopping you going down there if that's what you're set on doing but you're more than welcome to come with me if you want to...I don't mind."
My breath caught slightly at her offer. This is exactly what you wanted idiot! She wouldn't offer if she didn't want to-

"Really?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck. So much for the cold, my body felt like it was on fire.
She nodded, then glanced down at her watch with a sigh. I winced.
Probably no point in keeping her up asking if she was certain about what she clearly said-
"Really, Bigby. But I'm going home now so train's leaving." She winked at me before turning around and continuing down the hall. I shook my head, huffing a quiet laugh at my luck. I'll be damned.
"Thanks, Snow...I appreciate it."

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