never leave you

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"It um...kind of scared the hell out of me."
I blinked, taken by surprise as she stepped closer, and let her hand rest over mine holding my arm. She was so close...
"Hey, Snow..."
She glanced up as I stepped a bit closer, keeping her hand on mine.
"I'd never leave you." I smiled softly despite the exhaustion wearing me down, despite the pain in my body, despite the terror and heartache we had both been through.
I still smiled because she was still here. With me. She was still my reason to smile.
She bit her lip, her eyes wide, blush blooming around them.
God, how I wanted to kiss her.
"I mean it," I whispered, lifting her hand to my lips, and carefully pressed a kiss to her fingertips. I could taste my blood on her hands but I wasn't thinking about it.
Except for that I didn't ever want to put her through that again.
"I'll always be here for you, ok?"

She gazed at me with such a tender, vulnerable expression I wanted nothing more than to pull her close and keep her safe in my arms, away from all the horror and corruption we've been haunted by.
Tears glinted in her eyes as she averted my own.
So as my hands were already occupied...
I leaned forward and kissed her cheek as the first tear slipped out, and I caught it on my lips. Mascara and exhaustion. The tired pain of someone who couldn't deal with it anymore, but still kept fighting.

"It's ok," I whispered, catching another tear. I lifted my hand from my arm to gently cup her face, and she immediately leaned into my touch.
"I'm here. I'm here, Snow."
"Promise?" She whispered, her breath puffing against my lips.
She slowly opened her eyes as I stroked away her tears. I smiled, seeing a trusting look gleaming under the sapphire hue.
"I promise."
I kissed her slowly, hoping I wasn't alarming her. A slight smile tugged her lips against mine, and I knew instantly I had made the right move.
But after a few moments of our blissful connection I had been yearning for for so long and definitely wasn't expecting to receive tonight, she pulled out of the kiss slowly with a sigh. My eyes fluttered back open to see her own glinting again right before she shut them. She bit her lip, and I could sense her swallowing a sob.
"Snow, hey..."

"Shh." I pressed my lips to her forehead slowly. "Things will be better in the morning."
She sniffed. "What makes you so sure of that..?"
I pulled away so I could gaze into her watery eyes. With a soft smile, I lifted my hands to her cheeks, stroking away her tears with my thumbs.
"Because I'll be waking up with you. And things are always better when we're together."
She blinked in surprise. " want me to stay here tonight?"
I nodded, feeling exhaustion falter my smile. Sighing, I pulled her into my arms, and felt her freeze up in surprise, but she almost immediately relaxed.
"Well, if it's not too much trouble..." I tucked my head to her neck, and felt her gasp slightly. My lips pressed against her with my next words, but I was too tired to pull away.

"I would love it if you stayed, okay...I...I don't want to be alone tonight."
She was quiet, but her arms rose to wrap around my shoulders.
I tightened my hold around her waist, my face buried in her neck. I was weak, too weak to fight anymore tonight.
"Please...I need you tonight."
I felt her sigh more than I heard her. Her body against mine, there wasn't any space between us.
"Yeah...don't worry I'm not going anywhere..." She pulled away from me to gaze up at me with a shaky but tender smile. Her hand slid to my jaw, and I leaned into the warmth of her palm.
"Thank you..." I sighed. "Let's get some sleep, ok?"

She nodded, and I leaned back in to nudge her nose with my own. She glanced up, clearly caught off guard, and a tiny smirk cracked my lips in a way only she could bring out of me.
"Come here..." I kept her hand in mine and guided her back to the living room, but stopped short when I realized the bloodily atrocious (to say in the least) state of the cramped space. I couldn't make her her do this.
I glanced at her sheepishly. "Uh-"
She shook her head with a forced chuckle. "You don't have to say it...just come with me."
Gods bless you, I thought to myself as I followed her out of my place and down the hall to hers. I'll never know what I've done to deserve you.
My mind was a haze as we arrived at her apartment, I didn't really know how I made there as I followed her, her hand still firmly in mine as she guided me to her bedroom, not even stopping at the couch. Painkillers must be kicking in...
I lifted my head half-heartedly as we passed through the spacious flat, if I hadn't been nearly dead on my feet I would have admired it more, she clearly lived comfortably and expensively. She's deserved every bit of it...
A small smile found its way to my lips as she pulled me into her room, and I carefully took a seat on her bed. She did too, kicking off her heels as she sat next to me.

" you need anything...?" Her hand rested upon my shoulder, and I gazed at her through half lidded eyes at her studious and concerned blue.
"Mmf..." I groaned slightly as I stretched my free arm. I gave her the smile that had been reappearing on my lips since we kissed.
"Just you if that's ok..." I ducked my head slightly to brush my lips against her hand on my shoulder.
A slight giggle escaped her lips, and I thought my heart would burst.
"It's more than ok, Bigby..." She sighed and leaned forward, her arm sliding over my shoulders in a tender hug. I was glad I had slipped my shirt on, this could've been awkward with my exposed bandages.

I wasn't sure which one of us made the decision to lay down, her arms remained around my shoulders while mine made their way around her waist, keeping each other close.
I couldn't fall asleep without letting her know I was endlessly grateful for this.
"Snow..." I murmured, her name slipping through my lips and pressing to the curve of her neck where my head was comfortably and securely tucked, and I could've sworn her heart skipped a beat.
"Thank you...for everything..." I surrendered to her embrace, feeling safer than I ever had been before. Her hands slid through my hair, and I never wanted to let go.
"No need to thank me Bigby...I'll always do what needs to be done for you."
"I know...I know you have and I know you will...I-"

" just get some rest ok?" Her tender command pressed to my forehead, I knew I didn't have a choice in the matter. So I nodded slowly, sinking further into her embrace as her hands wound through my hair. Things would be better in the morning...but they were already a hell of a lot better than they've been.

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