𝐯𝐢, studio

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vi, sixth chapter

it was finally september and the weather in London was getting cooler and gloomier for the arrival of autumn.

kendall had left the house at 9:30 in the morning and then took her car and reached the recording studio where she would be there all morning.

"hey daniel" says kendall just walked in the door and said "hi" to his producer.

daniel was a 26 year old boy, quite tall, dark and with a little beard; he was the best, he produced some great music and kendall felt lucky to have met him.

"kendall" replies the producer at the sight of the girl who was now taking off her coat to rest it on the sofa that was in the studio.

"so how's it going? did you throw something down?" asks the man by setting on his workstation.

"yes, you know a few weeks ago I met my ex again and wrote quite a bit," says the girl, pulling out of her bag her notebook where she wrote everything.

in fact it was just like that, after seeing her ex-boyfriend in France, Kendall had had a lot of inspiration for a new song of hers.

"ok then let me hear what you wrote" concludes daniel and then let kendall enter the room and turn on her microphone.

"so when you gonna tell her, that we did that, too?" the girl starts saying what she had written, "she thinks it's special but it's all reused" continues the brunette.

"wow I like it so much!" says the producer, "do you have anything else written?" asks daniel curious, starting to think about the base.

"that was our place, i found it first, i made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you, do you get déjà vu" kendall finishes reading and then closes his notebook.

"it's fantastic, we're in the right direction," says the boy, "now these days i'll think of a base and you think about writing again and finding a title," continues the man.

"i already have the title, but i'll keep writing something," says the girl, tying her hair in a tail.

"what would be the title?" questions daniel, "deja vu" answers kendall thinking back to why she had chosen that title.

the girl when she met charlotte, had imagined herself two years ago with charles, supporting him as always in every race of her.

for her in fact it was a deja vu what she had seen that day.

the two continued to heard the words and write something new for another two hours, until lunchtime when kendall left the studio to go home and prepare something for lunch.


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liked by lewishamilton_ and 1.457.389 others
kendall.smith deja vu (a hint for a new song...)

username what? a new song?
username i'm screamingggg

username green is your colour
username no purple
username shut up!

username oh god another song?? you're annoying

lewishamilton yeeeeee!!!

_lexigreen omg i'm so excited
username me tooo

username about charles??
username i hope so
username i want them together

landonorris i want to hear it right now
kendall.smith it's not ready lando, be patient hahahah

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authors note
i'm waiting f1 secret santa !!

𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝟰 𝘆𝗼𝘂, charles leclercWhere stories live. Discover now