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Oliviarodrigo: sometimes it is what it is

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Oliviarodrigo: sometimes it is what it is.

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Liv, what's wrong?

I don't wanna talk abt it

Hey cmon please tell me
I'm ur bsf, you can tell me anything.

Uhm, can I come into your room
and talk abt it?

Yes ofc

Real life

"Come in liv!"you holler."oh my gosh, what happened"I hold out my hand so liv could get on my bed and sit down next to me. "Uhm so, you know how I was dating josh?" Olivia breaks down crying and I rub her back.wait what does she means ' was ' ?

" what do you mean, was?"I look at her."he broke up with me... over text."olivia puts her head on my shoulder, I feel so bad, she deserves way way way better, she's too good for him anyways.
"You don't need him, I thought he was better than that, but no one breaks up with my bestie over text, no ma'am, I'm so sorry bub, come here" I hold Olivia in my arms, now I'm not getting butterflies so maybe I don't like her anymore?

" please don't ever leave me"Olivia says kissing my arm that's around her stomach. "I won't, I'll be here if you need me, that's kinda jerk move for josh to do like, I never thought him of all people would do that to someone."I kissed the top of Olivia's head.
"Do you wanna take pictures?"I asked Olivia because I was bored and we didn't have anything to do.



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Saycurda: dump him, LIKE RN, YOU DONT NEED BOYS 🧡

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Saycurda: dump him, LIKE RN, YOU DONT NEED BOYS 🧡



Oliviarodrigo: that's on period

Sofiawylie: yeah listen to them, dump him.

User: a lil shady, don't ya think

Sofiawylie: teach me how to be as flawless and you 💕💞
Saycurda: only if you teach me how to be as talented as you.😊🤭

Julialester: my baes

Katereinders: cuties
Saycurda: MOM, I MISS YOU
Katereinders: MISS YOU MORE, MWAH🫶

Username: I want the type of friendship these two have.

Username1: I find this strange, why do their shirts say dump him and why did josh not comment on this post.
User: maybe the post is abt him
Username1: maybeee

User1: you guys are so pretty!!

Joeserafini: beauty's ❤️

Real life

"So are you and josh still friends or?"You say while you guys are heading back inside."well him and I never really asked, I mean I just need time and plus I'm barely in the season anyways so I can take my time and not see josh for a while."you guys both go sit on the couch and watch scream."true true, well take all the time you need, the cast will be right by your side always." You smile and hug Olivia."oh my gosh, this is scary! Eww! The blood on Jenna's stomach looks too real,too gory."Olivia says."I know!! It's creepy, I'm finna have nightmares tonight."you both laugh.

I feel so bad for Olivia,she's going through it and Josh is such an asshole for breaking up with her, ESPECIALLY OVER TEXT but like why did he break up with her? I feel like I shouldn't ask because then liv is gonna start crying and I don't like seeing her cry because it makes me cry and be all sad and shit.
I feel like we need Sofia, she would know what to do because I'm not the best at giving relationship advice.

"Do you want me to call Sofia? I mean it's like 8pm, we could have a little girls night?"I pick up my phone and scroll till I see Sofias contact."yes,I'd like that!"

On call with Sofia

Hey sof! So did you hear what happened with liv and josh?

Yes I did, I feel so bad.

Same, so liv is actually sitting right here and we wanted to know if you wanted to come over and have a little girls night?

I'd love too!lets me get my keys
and I will be over there!

Okay great! Bye!

Bye munchkin!

Real life

"YOU ARE LIKE PAPA"Sofia screams when you open the door."hey sof! I see you've been watching stranger things?!"You guys side hug."yup and I need to stop"You guys laugh."so what do we wanna do first?"Olivia questions."maybe we could get McDonald's then go to the park?"You suggest."sounds like a plan!let's go!"You all head out the door, get into the car and start blasting she's all I wanna be by tate McRae.

After ordering McDonald's

" this was the park we all used to go to after we were done filming."Sofia sighs."end of an era."Olivia says."Missing that era, it was the best"you says."well let's not be sad and talk about life for a while, wait scratch that, let's be sad and talk about life"Olivia chuckles.

"Well, I miss my family and this has been the longest I've been without them and they haven't really visited since the premiere and then I've just been feeling really sad recently because everything that has been going on online and you know the drama offline."Olivia holds hand with her hands puts it up against her cheek and side kisses it.

" if you ever need anything bub, please call me or we live in the same house so just yell for me.

i love u so- sofia wylieWhere stories live. Discover now