Chapter 3

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"I... can't. I can't let her go so easily." He knew it was a long shot, but he started CPR once more. He was exhausted, and sweat rolled down his face. He could hear the sound of her bones cracking beneath his weight. "Come on! Please Marinette! I can't lose you!" He yelled, his voice hoarse. "I love you!" He fell back on his bum, his limbs finally failing him.

Marinette suddenly coughed. Adrien looked at her, tears welling in his eyes. She coughed up lungs full of water. Her ribs hurt and she felt weak, but she was ok. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "Oh my gosh... I..." He was so relieved he didn't know what to do or say. He pulled back, looking her over to make sure there were no cuts or scraps on her.

"Are you ok?" It only took a second for him to realize, that was a stupid question. "Sorry," he rubbed the back of his neck."Dumb question."

He laid her on the ground. "I'd better get you to a hospital." He looked around. No one was there and Marinette was pretty out of it. "Close your eyes." He told her and he gave a glance one last time.

"Plagg, claws out." He mumbled, transforming into his heroic alter ego. A bright green flash of light engulfed him. Cat Noir gently picked up Marinette. "Everything will be ok." He whispered to her.

He leaped from rooftop to rooftop. He risked a glance down at Marinette. She was completely unconscious now. Whether she was asleep or passed out, he didn't know. Before he knew it, they arrived at the hospital.

He ran inside. "Someone help her!"

Doctors and nurses swarmed him, taking Marinette from his arms. He didn't want to let her go, but he knew she was in good hands. He left the hospital and ran into an alleyway. "Plagg, claws in." He detransformed, catching Plagg in his hand. He handed Plagg a piece of Camembert cheese. "Hurry, I want to get back to check on Marinette."

"Fine, fine," Plagg said, shoving the whole thing in his mouth. He didn't say his usual snappy comeback. He knew Adrien was going through a lot. He didn't want to upset him.

"Hide, Plagg." He ushered Plagg into his jacket pocket and ran back to the hospital.

He reached the reception desk, panting. "I'm looking for Marinette Dupain-Cheng." He gasped.

"I'm sorry, but you can't see her right now. The doctors are treating her." The receptionist said. "You can wait in the waiting area in the meantime."

"Thank you." Adrien said, still trying to catch his breath. He took a seat in the waiting area.

He was so lost in thought, that he didn't even realize Marinette's parents arrived. It felt like an eternity before a doctor came to give them the news.

Tom, Sabine, and Adrien all stood up. "Marinette still had water in her lungs. We had to do a procedure called Thoracentesis, which means that we drained the excess water from her lungs. She also had several cracked ribs from what we assume was CPR." The doctor said.

"W-will she be ok?" Sabine choked out through sobs.

"Yes, but she needs rest. She'll have to be admitted for a few days to make sure there are no complications. You can go see her now." The doctor gestured down the hall. "This way." He walked down the hall, stopping in front of Marinette's room.

Tom and Sabine hold hands as they enter the room. Sabine gasped at the sight of her daughter. She looked so broken and bruised. They sat down next to Marinette's bed.

Adrien wanted to go in but didn't. He stood at the doorway, but couldn't muster up the courage. He turned around to leave, but a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Please stay," Sabine said. "Marinette will want to see you when she wakes up."

Adrien teared up. It hurt him to leave her. He pulled up a chair and sat down next to Tom.

Tom put his arm around Adrien and Sabine and hugged them. He thought of Adrien like a son. He knew it hurt Adrien just as much as him that Marinette was injured.

(Author's note) Thank you for reading this chapter! This chapter was longer, but I hope you enjoyed it.
Hope you have a good Labor day!

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