I'm back? of course i'm back!

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Assalamualaikum readers encik psycho! (Ada lagi ke orang tunggu buku ni? Hope so~)

Akhirnya setelah author kehilangan kata kekunci untuk acc ni selama beberapa tahun, tahun ni baru author berjaya dptkannya balik. (I'm 21 now, basically 2 years tanpa author dlm acc ni)

Huhu sedih tau tengok acc author terbengkalai tanpa tuannya. ( ;∀;)

But guess what?

Bad news~ bad news~

All of my chapters for this story had been deleted from my old phone! Can you believe it?!

Chapter dh banyak dibuat tup tup semua hilang. Nasiblah author ada dua draft chapter untuk Sambung cerita :')

Yg lain tu pandai2 author pikir kan camne nak sambung. (Maybe i can get it back? Somehow?)

And one good news!

Will continue one chap after this ya? (y'all need to wait again after this chap! That's for sure)

And of courselah author ada rasa nak ubah nama buku ni. Sebab rasa mcm childish pulak tengok nama buku ni.

How about we change it to"psychotic love"  or biar je dgn title yg sama???? Agree? No? Yes? (Anybody?? Hello??)

Thats all from me! Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll do my best to continue it!

C'ya later! Salam!

Give advise
And enjoy!

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