Chapter IV

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While leaving the cafeteria, I was thinking about what Jake had said. "Best dudes", wow, just when you think you know a guy. Well, for now, best dudes will be okay with me, because I still cannot fathom as to why he drank my milk, yuck! School was long and boring as usual, I waited for the bell to ring and when it did, I bolted out of the classroom. Heading to my locker, I saw the back of a guys body standing at the locker of Janelle, my nemesis. I walked by to go to my locker and I noticed it was Jake.

My heart was pounding, my blood was boiling, I know my facial expression said it all, because I can't hide anything when I'm upset. I guess I get that from my mom. What the hell did he need to talk to that skank for? I'm really angry now, so I boldly walk up to them, "hey Jay, you coming by my house later?" "Cool, you know I'll be there." "Okay, see you then." I walk away while looking at Janelle like, please don't try me right now. Janelle turns to Jake and says, "oh Jakey, I thought you were gonna tutor me tonight at my place?" "JAKEY??, bitch don't make me..." I said under my voice while I placed my books in my locker. I picked up my book bag and began to leave, "Hey Cali wait up", "bye Jakey poo." Did she just blow a kiss at him? Oh, yeah she's itching for a scratch, and I know just where to scratch her at!

"What's wrong with you?" Says Jake as he finally reached me. "Nothing, so what are we getting into today?" "What do you mean?" "I mean, it's Friday, schools out, and we are teenagers, so what did you say we were getting into again?" "I didn't say anything, plus I have something I have to do with the guys in about an hour or so. I'll let you know." Just like that, "I'll let you know," we've become Archie and Mrs. Bunker. "Okay", I said in the sweetest best dudes voice that I could. I knew this was possibly another job, and if so, my father would be involved, I had to investigate.

I waited by the corner of our block, in a place where I could see just about everything. I glanced over my shoulder slightly because I noticed some movement behind me. It was my Dad, "hey sweetie", as he touched my shoulder. I cringed slightly, knowing that he was about to appoint these boys a new "job". "Hey dad, what you up to?" "Nothing, about to head out and meet Mikey at the shipyard." Shipyard, yeah, okay, I thought. "Okay dad, see you later, I love you." "I love you too sweetheart." I couldn't help but think that I am so dead if my mom knew what I was doing. I waited another 10 minutes as he drove away, and I began riding my bike slowly towards the boys. They started riding away on their bikes and I followed. I kept a nice enough distance so that I wasn't seen, fortunately for me the boys never turned around to watch their backs.

They turned into the old abandoned warehouse near Bradley St, I slowed up, put away my bike, and began walking. I came upon the side window of the warehouse, hoping to hear of any new plans, when I heard some footsteps coming near me. "Well, well, well, look who we have here." It was Lou, the bastard that had so much to say to me and found himself to be flattering. "Hey Lou!" "Don't hey Lou me, what are you doing snooping around here?" "It's a free country, I can look anywhere that I want!" "So your sassy mouth isn't just in front of your buddy, Jake?" "Whatever, get out of my way.!" "Give me kiss and I will." "Eww, no! Move Lou!" "You heard my terms." I tried walking boldly pass him, "you're not leaving without my kiss." I got a little closer to him, stood on my tiptoes and pecked his cheek. I tried walking pass again when he grabbed my arm. "Now you don't think I'm gonna fall for that do you?" "A girl as strong and sassy as you are, giving in so easily! I'm sure the boss would love to know that you where out here." I tried snatching away when POW, a hand from out of nowhere hit me right on the side of my head.

I hit the ground, hard, causing me to blackout. "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE LOU?!!" "She was snooping around so I was about to take her inside. You didn't have to hit her Jake!" "Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do, I had to play the best friend role for all of these years to keep her off of her father's trail!" "Now she's here and he's gonna be pissed!" "Let's tie her up somewhere so he'll never know that she was here." "Okay, but make it quick, he can't know that she's here!" I was placed on the far side of the building, away from everything, and everyone. I began to awaken because I felt something crawling on my legs. I opened my eyes and started looking around. "Where the heck am I?" I looked down at my legs, only to find spiders, at least three of them, making their way to my shorts. Beneath the tape around my mouth I was yelling, "MMMMMMMM" I wanted them off of me NOW!

This was the most disgusting feeling ever, and I couldn't do anything about it but squirm, and yell beneath masking tape. I had to gather myself, I needed to find a way to loosen these ropes. "I still couldn't believe that this was happening to me! I noticed some broken glass across the room, I scooted, and scooted, until I realized that the ropes had begun loosening, so I did what any normal human being would do, I scooted some more! The ropes fell off from around my arms, I removed the tape from my mouth, and I started on the ropes at my feet. I jumped up, only to stumble over a bit from my blow to the head. All I could think was, "When I find out who hit me, there will be hell to pay."

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