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I would first like to thank The Most High Creator for giving me the ability to write a book from my thoughts, without the use of a pen and paper. I want to thank my daughters Aunye' and Beijing for their honesty and continued support of me throughout my writing process. To my family, for always being real with me and loving me no matter what. This book, as well as others to follow, is the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I'm glad I was able to share it with you, the Reader. While watching a program one day, the topic of suicide came up, and my mind started wondering all over the place. I kept feeling the need to "write about it", so my book "Exhausted" became the outcome.
Suicide, by definition, is "the action of killing oneself." (Merriam-Webster Suicide is a very serious matter that is easily overlooked among many people nowadays. It can stem from a wide range of onsets, whether it's hereditary (via psychosis or psychological disorders), intentional, or brought on through circumstances. This story was written to broaden the minds of the reader and bring forth the notion that suicide can also be initiated from guilt. This child "Cali", once learning the truths that were hidden from her throughout her lifetime, felt the need to remove herself from everyone because she believed that she was the root of the problem. There are many households with secrets and self guilt that need to be addressed. In doing so, it could prevent an incidence like the one read in this story. I wrote this book for all to read with the intent to have more open truths exhibited throughout the homes of everyone. Keeping secrets of such a magnitude can cause a serious reaction such as the one told in this story, where as, it could've been prevented earlier on. Not many parents, children, or families for that matter will want to open up about what's causing them to be the way that they are. However, in doing so, you will not only heal yourself and your family, you will also prevent the lost of a life, or the thought of suicide. I thank you for reading my book "Exhausted". This was my first ever book written from off the top of my head, in 5 days, literally. However, I had to continue to bring awareness to the importance of communication within families and the prevention of suicide in our country.

With a grateful heart,
Tiffany Jones, Author, (aka) Chantell Grey

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