Chapter 6: The Backstabber

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I looked at every car that passed by. I was anxious to see if Aaron was inside any of the cars. But, of course he wasn't. 

When I got home. I got a call from Massie's house.

"Massie?" I asked into the phone, "Is that you?"

"No it's me Aaron." He whispered into the phone, "I told Massie I needed to call my mom. But I really wanted to tell you that i'm sorry." 

"Sorry for what?"

"Not picking you up."

"Dont worry Aaron. Its alright."

"Ok, then I will see you tonight?"

"Ok, wanna meet at the park by my place?"



"Bye." I hung up the phone and took a shower. I curled my hair and put on my favourite black skinny jeans, my blue hoodie and my blue and black sneakers. At 8:30, I went outside and sat on the front porch. I waited for Aaron to pass by my house. Then, I would run to the park. I looked at my watch again...9:00...Where is he? Suddenly, a silver ferrari flashed by. It was Aaron. I quickly got up and walked over to the park. To my suprise, he didn't stop driving. "Aaron?!" I yelled out. No response. I got a text from Massie. It said: 'I know you may be mad at me...And you may not reply to this. But All I want from you is for you to at least read this. I am really sorry about the way I acted at school. I over reacted and I shouldn't have. You should be able to date or like or talk to anyone you want.  And i'm really...truly...sorry. Can you forgive me?'. I walked back home and ran upstairs to my room. Slamming the door behind me. I looked up. "Aah!" I yelled. Aaron was sitting on my bed. "How did you get in here?" He turned around and stood up. "Your parents let me in through the back door. I wanted to suprise you. "

"Well, you've suprised me. Now leave. I'm tired."

"But we are finally alone."

"Please, just go." My eyes started to water and I put my face into my hands and fell down onto my bed. 

"Are you crying?" He asked while he sat down beside me.

"You know what, it just hit me that you are dating my best friend and I shouldn't be sneaking around behind her back and dating you!"

"What? But, it isn't Massie I like. It's you." He lay down beside me and slipped his arms around me. I loved how he embraced me but it couldn't go on any longer.

"Please," I started to say as I got up, "Just leave."


"Please. Pretend this never happened." My eyes were probably red and my heart, i could feel it breaking.

"You know what, I thought you were the one. I guess I was wrong." He said as he opened the door and walked out of my room. When I heard his car drive away, I couldn't help myself from bursting into tears. I had to break up with him. No matter how much I hate Massie, she is the closest friend I ever had and to write that letter to me...well...that takes a lot of courage for Massie. And if she really did write it, i know she meant it. I looked up at the cieling while I lay down in my bed. Fighting the tears back andsniffing my nose, I closed my eyes and imagined me lying down ontop of Aaron in Massie's garden. His soft lips touching mine. Wait...Why are you thinking like this? Stop. Now. He won't forgive you. Remember? He thought that you were the one...But I know I can't be the one if it means sneaking around with my bestfriends boyfriend. It had to stop. 


Sorry, I know it has been such a long time since I wrote another chapeter and since I wont be here from this friday to next friday, and im busy for easter, i won't write in that whole week. i just posted a new story called Dating the Nerd and The Fake Boyfriend. So if you would like to read another story of mine, that one is new. 4 pages. Sorry for any spelling errors. Hope you liked this chapter. xoxo

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