The Argument.

274 14 16

Dream="⭐ "
Swap="🔵 "
Ink="🎨 "
Error="👾 "
Nightmare="🐙 "
Killer="🔪 "
Horror="🪓 "
Dust="🌫️ "
Cross="❌ "
Creator=" "

3rd POV

*Ink and Dream arguing*
"🎨I can't with you! You don't care about about your self!"

"⭐That's not true!"

"🎨IT IS! Sometimes when we're fighting Nightmare's gang, Swap will be so hurt he can hardly

"🎨You know what! I QUIT!" Ink says while he's throwing the star pin that was once on his head.

"⭐You can't do that!"

"🎨I can and I am."Ink grabs his brush and makes a portal to the doodle sphere.

"🔵Do you think he's serious"

"⭐Of course not he's going to come back beging to join again."

When he gets to the doodle sphere he sees a mad creator in front of him.

"Go back and apologize now!"

"🎨No, I will not!"

"What are you going to do when you have to fight Nightmares gang alone!?"

"🎨I won't have to worry about that because I quit being the the protector too!"

"What if they destroy all the AUS."

"🎨I don't have to care about that because Error doesn't destroy the AUS anymore and Nightmares gang doesn't destroy AUS, they just cause negativity. And I would rather be emotionless then continue being the protector." Ink walked away from the creator and went to his house.

Nightmares POV

All of the sudden I felt a spike in negativity. This had been happening for awhile and I finally went to find out where it was coming from.

"🐙Killer I'm going out,tell the others if they ask."

"🔪Ok boss." When I got to where the negative feelings were coming from I saw Dream arguing with Ink. I realized if Ink and Dream were here,that that means I was in the Star Sans base! I was surprised to feel negativity coming from dream and I started to listen in on what they were arguing about.

"🎨I can't with you! You don't care about about your self!"

"⭐That's not true!"

"🎨IT IS! Sometimes when we're fighting Nightmare's gang and Swap will be so hurt he can hardly stand!"

"🎨You know what! I QUIT!" Ink says while he's throwing the star pin that he once had on his head.

"⭐You can't do that!"

"🎨I can and I am!" Ink grabbed his brush and makes a portal to the doodle sphere

"🔵Do you think he's serious"

"⭐Of course not he's going to come back beging to join again." 'What Inks quitting! And what was that about Ink begging to join again.'

DISCONTINUED Ink's new friends. (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now