Training with Ink

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This chapter was almost entirely different I am still going to keep the idea but I'm going to push it to a later chapter because I felt like the story was moving too fast especially with that Ink angst I just kinda pushed in the first chapter.

The fighting scenes were done by DestinyandAgusWolf. I couldn't have done it without them!

Also, if emojis are together that means they are speaking at the same time.

Horror's emoji is now going to be this 🍖 since my phone does not have the axe emoji.

Now let's get to the chapter.

3rd POV

Ink had been at Nightmare's castle for a few days now. And he had continued to make one off comments that say the least, worrying. You might be wondering "have they fought the star sanes yet?" And the answer is no. The star sanes have been looking for Ink,but it wasn't just them who were looking it was almost the whole multiverse. They were all trying to find where their "cheerful" protector had gone.

Little did they know he had betrayed them all. And Ink was ready. He was ready to see the horrified look on their face.
He wanted to see the horrified look on their face when they realized that.

But first,they had to train!

Ink's POV

Today we had to train. Don't ask me why. Nightmare had insisted it. I guess it's cause he never really saw me fight. Dream was always the one to fight him,so he never got to see. That the most likely reason and the only reason I can think of. When he told us what day it would be on I made sure to write it on my scarf.

I was in bed bed drawing. I had a window next to my bed, outside was a thin forest. It was a nice view. That was when I heard the sound of pans hitting each other from the hall.




It went. It was shortly followed by a shout.

"🐙GET UP!"

This was to wake us up. But I had already been awake. I hadn't slept since I got here. I didn't want-


I should probably get up. I got up from my bed and went to the door. I was wearing a gray turtleneck sweater with black sweatpants and black socks with a white ring at the top. I opened the door and walked out of my room to see the others doing the same. Most were hunched over, with there eyes just barely open, mumbling to themselves. I looked across the hall to to see Error. His room was right across the hall from mine.

"🎨Good morning Error!"

I said while smiling. When I said that his face tinted with blue blush.

"👾GOod MoRNING." (I found I random capitalization generator)

I could feel my face get hot. I always liked his morning voice. Don't get me wrong I still really liked his regular voice but his morning voice was deeper which made him even more hot then he already was. NOPE! GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF INK! I felt like I was about to puke but I held it down. When I looked back at Error he was already gone. I looked down the hall and Error was walking down the hall I soon followed.

DISCONTINUED Ink's new friends. (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now