New Team

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I'm so sorry this took so long but I haven't had much motivation and I have been distracted by school so thank you for your patience.

I want to say somethings about my au. My au is not cannon. But everyone has the same backstory as cannon.

Inks POV

I went to Dreams base to get my stuff from my room. As I went inside I saw Dream and Swap on the couch.

"⭐What? Have you come back to ask to join back."

Dream said after he saw me.

"🎨What?? No I've come back to grab my stuff."

"⭐You were serious!?"

"🎨Of course I was why wouldn't I be!?"

"⭐I thought you were just throwing a tantrum or something

" 🎨A tantrum. A TANTRUM! I'M NOT A CHILD!"

After I said that I went to my room to get my stuff. I packed my stuff into boxes, went outside and made a portal to Nightmares castle.

Crosses POV

I was on the couch when Ink came inside, carrying a few boxes while he was mumbling under his breath With an unhappy look on his face.

"❌What's up with you?"

"🎨It was just Dream being an asshole like always."

"❌Heh. I never thought I would hear Dream and asshole in the same sentence."

"🎨You'd be surprised,"

He put down the boxes he was holding and sat on the couch next to me and continued.

"🎨Like sometimes I'd be fighting with him and I'll say something and later when he finds out I was serious he gets shocked. Then he'll be like "I thought you were just mad and blah blah blah. *Sigh* He make he so mad.

Ink had his hands on his legs and was closing his hands into fists. His pupils being target signs.

"❌Woah calm down dude."

"🎨*Breath in* *breath out* I know I just.....he makes me mad."

"❌ It's ok, just calm down."

"🎨Thank you Cross."

You may not know this but I knew Ink before Nightmare found me but we got in an argument and he stopped visiting me. When he saw me with Nightmare he looked. In shock and sad. 

"❌When you first saw me with Nightmare after I joined him why did you look guilty?"

"🎨How else would I react to seeing someone I considered my friend on the team I fight?"

"❌I thought you would have looked more mad."

"🎨Me mad?! I thought you would have been mad I mean it was my fault if I should of explained better."

"❌What do you mean? I was the one who cut you off before you could explain."

"❌Ink come here."

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