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I wake up to screaming. I walk down stairs and see Sam and his girlfriend. they stop fighting when they see me.

"Sam can you keep it down my head hurts."
"Yeah sure Tazz"
"Who is that. is that the hoe" she yells
"I'm Jc girlfriend"
"Babe calm down"
"Sam shut the fuck up and tell me where this hoe is"

They fight a bit more. I can see Sam was hurt. I couldn't take it anymore. I hate seeing my friends hurt. I walk up to his girlfriend and punch her face.

"If you ever hurt my friend I will beat the living crap out of you. your lucky to have him"

I was going to say more but Jc pulled me away. I kick and throw a punch. put I hit nothing but a wall and air. Jc drags me to his room.

"Babe is your hand okay"
"My hand is fine."
"You hit her pretty hard"
"I know"
"She was hurting Sam"
"From words. but he was so hurt I couldn't take it"
"Tazz I've never seen you like this"
"I hide it from you"
"Hide what"
"My anger problems"
"Why hide it"
"I was afraid it would make you run. it makes everyone else run. my twin, Danny, Cody and Zak."
"Who is Cody and Zak"
"My brothers"

Jc looks at me. he looks shocked. if he is I wouldn't be surprised. the truth is my parents had a lot of kids.

The boys are Danny, Cody, Zak, Nick, and Joe. then the girls Tweety, Hope, Babe, and me. I never tell anyone about them what's the point.

I mean the only sibling in my life is Danny. I drove all the rest out with my anger.

"Is there any other sibilings"
"Nick, Joe, Hope, Babe"
"Okay now can here on out can we tell the truth"

I nod because I cant say a word. why are things so hard to explain. why do I drive everyone I love out of my life. I just hope its different with Jc.

I hear some screaming down stairs so I go down there. I tell Jc I'm getting food. I walk into the kitchen to see Sam against the wall with a knife to his throat.

Oh hell no did that bitch not learn before. this is not okay. I sneak around her. I grab the bat the was next to the fridge.

I slowly and silently sneak up behind her. I raise the bat and swing. I hit her hands knocking the knife out of her hands.

I kick the knife across the room and lift the bat up again. but this time I dont swing.

"Didnt you learn. god what the fuck is wrong with you. you were lucky the first time. but this time I think is the last straw."

She bites me till I bleed. I swing the bat hitting her in the back.

"You ass. I'm tired of acting like I'm not pissed screw that. because the last ire I did that I blacked out. so leave and never come back."

She gets up and gets a new knife. she runs at me and stabs me in the gut. I turn around pissed.

The anger, jealousy, and sadness took over. I just kept swinging the bat. after what felt like ten minutes I dropped the bat.

I leaned artist the was and began to cry. I couldn't stand anymore so I slid to the ground. I looked up at the girl I just beat.

Thank god she was still breathing and moving. everyone came running into the kitchen as Sam called 911.

"no one touch anything" Connor yelled. everyone nod.

Jc came running over to me.

"You said you were getting food"
"I was then she had a knife. Sam. Bat. Stab. Bite. Hurt."

I start to cry even harder. Jc just hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay. the cops soon arrived.


I was not fined or pressed charges. the way cops see it it was self-defense. I wouldn't talk to anyone. I just looked out the window.

They soon gave up on trying to talk to me. I kept thinking about what just happen. how I just kept hitting her. how I didnt stop.

We get to the O2L house. but I get out of the car and run to my house. something doesnt seem right. I dont know what.

I run into my house and find Danny passed out on the floor. I run upstairs to Jessie and Alex room. the door is open.

I open the closet door and grab my gun. I kick open the door to find Mikey standing there holding Alex.

"Put him down on his bed"

He does as I say. my gun is loaded. he knows I will pull the trigger.

"What are you doing here"
"Seeing my kids"
"Well leave"
"Want to be there for your kids"
"Then leave and ill think about dropping charges"

He looks at our sons. I see a tear run down his face.

"Let me say bye"

I nod letting him say his goodbyes. he gives both of them a kiss. he walks to the door but stops. he looks back.

"I miss you and them. I miss my life. and I'm so so sorry Tazz"

Before I could say anything he walks out of the rtoo and out the front door. he hopes in a car. I look at the driver. its Calum.

I watch them drive off. I put the gun away. I walk to my room and lock the door. I dont want to talk to anyone.

I soon fall asleep.


I wake up in the middle of the night to my door Handel rattling. I slowly get up and unlock the door.

"I got. told you I could"
"shut up and see if shes in there"

Two tall men walk into my room. I feel like I know them.

"Nope shes not here but a nephews are so she has to be here"

Oh my god it cant be. I thought they hated me.

"Oh I wanted to scare her"

Oh no but I can scare you. oh but how can I scare my twin brothers Cody and Zak. oh how much fun.

Oh I know how. they leave my house and I follow. as the blackout of the driveway I hit their car.

I hurry and lay on the ground. they both get out and look at me. they start to freak out.

"You hit our sister" Cody said
"I didnt mean to"
"Oh my god is she alive"

I have this ability to slow down my heart rate enough to make it feel like I'm dead.

"No! No plus" Cody said again.
"Dude I killed her"
Oh fuck Nick and Joe are going to be mad"
"Its not Joe and Nick we should be scared of right now"
"Your right its Hope and Babe"
"Fuck we are dead as well"

I move just a bit and make a weird noise.

"Holy fuck shes becoming a zombie" Zak said.

I laugh and they stop talking. I sit up and look at them. I wave at them as they flip their shit. I stand up and hug them. they hug me back.

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