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The sun had finally set as it was now night-time in Jump City. The Teen Titans were in Titans Tower having their own game night.

"A bird! No, a butterfly! No! An airplane, it's an airplane!" Beast Boy jumps up and down from his seat on the couch trying to guess what Starfire was drawing. She shook her head at each of his guesses as she continued to draw.

"A flower," Raven says causing Starfire to cheer.

"Yes! Raven is victorious!" Starfire beams as she claps her hands. Beast Boy stares at them in shock as the other three Titans laugh at his predicament.

"How are you so good at this game?" Beast Boy asks as Raven gets up from her seat since it was now her turn. She just shrugs as she takes the marker from Starfire.

Beast Boy slumps in his seat crossing his arms. Skylar laughs placing a hand on his shoulder, "Don't sweat it Beast Boy, I'm sure you'll get one right eventually."

"Indeed, perhaps you shall win in another ten rounds," Starfire smiles. Robin and Cyborg snicker at her comment since she unintentionally brought up how he lost ten rounds straight so far.

Skylar reaches for more popcorn only to find the bowl empty. She picks up the bowl standing up from her seat, "You guys keeping playing, I'm gonna get more snacks."

"I'll come with you," Robin says as he gets up as well following Skylar into the kitchen.

Skylar places the bowl on the countertop as she gets out another popcorn packet. She opens it up before placing it in the microwave setting it at two minutes.

"Having fun?" Robin asks her as he leans against the counter.

Skylar answers with a smile, "Yes, I love when we do stuff like this."

Robin nods, "Me too. It's nice seeing everyone relax for once."

Skylar laughs, "Especially you."

"Ha ha very funny," Robin playfully glares at her. Skylar gives him a cheeky smile in return before taking the popcorn out of the microwave. She opens the bags pouring the snack into the bowl.

Robin wraps his arms around her from behind causing Skylar to lean into him. Robin gently places his chin on her shoulder, "You know, our two year anniversary is coming up."

"I know," She says with a loving smile, "How are we ever going to top our first one? I mean, it started off as almost a disaster to being the best day ever."

"It was amazing, but I have a feeling this one is going to be better," Robin says causing Skylar to look up at him.

"Oh, yeah? And why is that?"

"It's a surprise," Robin says placing a kiss to her lips.

Skylar smiles into the kiss pulling back slightly, "I can't wait."

Skylar turns her body to face Robin fully as he wraps an arm around her waist pulling her closer to him as their lips moved together. Robin playfully bites her bottom her lip causing her to laugh into the kiss making Robin laugh as well.

They finish gathering all the snacks walking back to their friends. Raven was still drawing while Beast Boy and Cyborg shouted random things. Beast Boy was actually trying while Cyborg was doing it just to mess with Beast Boy. Starfire giggled at the two of them.



"Christmas Tree!"

"Easter Bunny!"

Beast Boy glares at Cyborg, "Okay now you're just doing this on purpose."

Cyborg shrugs laughing, "I can't help it, it's funny seeing you get all worked up."

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