Call me Finn.

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The sound of my annoying alarm in my ears once again. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and remembered I needed to go to school today.
Today was my first day back at home living my regular life ever since I had escaped the grabber, so I didn't know what school was going to be like. I was just excited to see my friends again. (edit- you guys are crazy w the comments about finney having no friends😭😭)

I opened the door to my school and looked around. Everyone was whispering and staring, I got looks from alot of people. My heart started racing as I passed by Matty and his other friends, but that feeling changed when all of them looked at me intimated, like I could beat all of them up so easily. I guess everyone thinks im some sort of psychopath now.

I walked into 1st period to see Donna, my lab partner, and my "crush" which I don't know about anymore.
"hi finney!" she said to me with a happy smile. I looked at her again.
"call me finn." I smiled, she did back, but something about it just wasn't right, I couldn't find myself to get that feeling that I would get if I liked her. I guess I probably didn't, not like I did awhile ago.

As I walked out of class, I looked at robins locker, he wasn't there. I don't know why I even cared if he was there or not, I just hadn't seen him at all since I got back into school. I wonder what he will say when he sees me, my stomach turned. The thought of seeing him again after everything that's happened.
i'm sure he will be happy to see me, why wouldn't he? He's my best friend!

One lunch came around I walked into the cafeteria only looking for Robin. Unfortunately, I hadn't been able to buy myself something to eat because I forgot to bring lunch money. I quickly jogged to sit down next to my sister, Gwen, trying not to bring attention on to me. Being at school is overwhelming when everyone is always looking at you or trying to ask you questions. Its like im a celebrity now, but in the worst way possible? I just have to suck it up and pretend like I dont care.

I continued searching for Robin, only to find that he wasn't at school today, what a coincidence. But it's not like he knew I was going to come back to school. So I guess it's not his fault. I sighed and brought out a book to read.

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