Heavy Gloom

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I hissed as the back of my head collided with the metal lockers, creating a sharp pain flying down my neck. The hand around my neck made it slightly hard to breath, and I reached my own hands up to try to pull it off. "Whassa matter, Gaskarth?" I heard a voice, but my eyes were closed. Even though they were closed, I could tell by the voice and by the smell of stale cigarettes that it was one of the school bullies, Gabriel Couldarelli.

"Lemme go." I mumbled, opening my eyes slowly to meet the eyes of my attacker. His dark green barely burning a hole through my light hazel. He had a smirk stained on his lips; the smirk he'd always gained when he tormented the younger kids. I scrunched my nose up slightly due to the stench of his breath exploring every inch of my face. Jesus, this kid really needs to learn to brush his damn teeth.

He only tightened his hand at my words, causing me to breath harder and dig my nails into his arm. I could feel the red finger marks forming on my neck. "Had enough-" he didn't get to finish his sentence, but if he did he'd likely call me some stupid pet name like "kitten" or something. "Hey asshole!" I heard another voice. "Leave the kid alone, he's not worth wasting time on breaking his ribs."

This voice was familiar too, but I didn't bother to decipher who's it was, because Gabe had loosened his grip on my neck enough to allow me to slide out from his grasp, gasping for air as a huge amount passed through my lungs. After he pulled his hand away, I'd took off into one of the boys' bathrooms, locking myself in one of the stalls. I honestly didn't act like it, but I was terrified of that guy. He was one of the worst bullies in the entire school, and could shatter anyone's bones any time he wanted to.

I sniffled, not noticing that my nose was bleeding until I wiped it with my hand. The blood smudged across my wrist didn't surprise me, I'd gotten nosebleeds often from having my head smashed against lockers and walls. I snatched some of the "toilet paper" from the box hooked onto the wall of the stall and wiped my bloody nose with them; I spent at least twenty minutes in the bathroom and missed the first fifteen minutes of fourth period.

Today has already been shit and it's only the beginning of the day. It's not like it's different from any other day though. I should be used to this by now, but in all honesty, I wasn't. And I was scared. I felt imprisoned, caged in this hell hole called school.

Finally, I sighed and got up, unlocking the stall and throwing the toilet paper in the garbage can before walking to fourth period as slow as I can purposely. I really did not want to go to art right now, I wasn't ready to just stroll in late, be confronted by the teacher and probably sent to iss, or even get a detention, and sit and deal with all the shitty ass kids in my art period.

I turned the door handle, and my teacher, Mrs. Mays, instantly noticed me. "And where were you, Mr. Gaskarth?" She asked loudly, as if she wanted the entire class to know I was tardy. I didn't know how to reply, just mumbling an "in the bathroom." And walking over to grab my folder and whatever it was we needed for today's project. I could hear her sigh angrily.

"Who said you could use the bathroom?" She shot at me as I sat down, not making eye contact with her I just argued back. "No one." And I didn't say a word after that. It felt like every bell throughout the period (other kids with different schedules needed these.) just made it even longer. I could feel kids' eyes burning holes into my skull, and I had to try not to just snap on them. I hated when people stared at me. I didn't see a reason to just stare at someone like that, like, what the fuck? Do your work and leave me alone.

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