Cathy's To-Do List App

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C/W: Murder and alcohol mentions. Vomit too. And sex references.

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Wake the hell up and praise this to-do list app.

That was easy. Except Alex had trapped my arm under him. Ow! Silly thing. But I didn't wake him OR Sammy, so that's good.

Besides, Alex really needs sleep after Sammy kept him up.
And yes, I make notes in my to-do list. I want to.

Check on Sammy!

Aw, poor baby. He's having a fever. I'm gonna have to take him in, I think.


Ok, feeling much better now! But I can almost hear Nicky nagging in my head, telling me to not become a coffee addict like she was. I don't want to become a nagging mom like she is...


Did it. Go me! Somehow, me singing in the shower didn't wake my boys up. Good. Alex would record my singing again, and I'd have to change all of his passwords again. No thanks!

Clothes on.

And now Sammy's awake. Alex woke up too and went to feed him. He's doing such a good job of being a dad. I hope I'm a good mom. Well, if I wanna find out, I'd better ask Nicky and Gloria. They've had years of experience!

Hair and makeup.

Pretty quick, but I'm gonna have to buy some dye later. Roots! Brown's boring, doesn't suit me. ...If you read this, babe, don't worry. It suits you fine!


Yes, pancakes! Thank you, Alex! Best breakfast food ever. They're so sweet and delicious and yummy... Oh my God, am I becoming David?

Or am I pregnant again???

Wait no, we use protection.

Time for work, the @rtist is in! I'm not even called that now... Oh well.

Here comes the GPD's best tech expert, AKA me + the GPD's cutest baby. No offense, honeybun. You're good, but you'll never be a Digital God!

That fever better die down soon...

Wait for Payne to text you. She'll tell you if there's a case or not.

Some woman got nailed to her fence. I wouldn't wanna be nailed like THAT. I better get something soon. Sammy's finally asleep and I'm bored. And I don't really want to think of our last case...

Do work-stuff.

FINALLY. I HAD SOMETHING! Good thing I finished with the jacket before Sammy threw up on it. He's sorted now, but Payne laughed. Rude! At least Gloria had the decency to feel bad. Then again, Payne's different now. Not sure if it's the stress of the job, or whatever happened after the Bureau was finished, but she's a changed woman.

More work.

Poor Payne and Gloria. Their kids' principal is (maybe?) a cheat! On coursework. Still. I'd probably be angry if that happened to me and Sammy were older. Oh man, I know it's years away, but I'm gonna bawl when it's time for him to start school!

On the plus side, Sammy's feeling better. That fever's going down. Alex woke up and flirted in a text. Cute. I'm better at flirting. After all, I asked HIM out! I'll never regret it.

Work's over!

Oh, damn. That's gotta be the most pathetic murder motive I've heard of. FLOWERS? Seriously? Woman, get your life together! Oh well, let's not focus on that, let's focus on the party the team's gonna have at David's house! Alex is coming, of course, even though I'M the techie. We would have had one after the last case, to welcome Nicky back and welcome Gloria, but... Yeah.

Let's not think about that, and party instead! Let's hope my favourite Payne kid (I missed that little freckled face! But... 17?! Almost an adult, oh my God! Nicky must feel old.) is as good at looking after kids as Nicky is!

Check on Sammy and dye supplies.

Sammy's got a good pair of eyes on him, thanks to those Payne genes. And I have enough dye for another month. I'm all ready to party now!


To old friends and new beginnings? I like that, David. Almost as much as I like this champagne. But man, Nicky's face when she got that jacket. IT SWAMPED HER. David must've been thinking of BUFF Nicky. I can't wait until she gets her muscles back. She looks like an alien being so thin. Or a corpse! Zombie?

still partying

i think i told nicky that she looks like a zombie alien

she laughed a lot

i forgot how bad with alcohol she was!

then she passed out under the table of all places

weirdo lol


Uh, this is the next day. My God, I was a mess. I made a video of the party and sent it to the Chief, of all things! I just rewatched it. David and Alex had an argument about who would be better at Super Kart, just for Amir to kick their asses. And seeing a drunk Rita playing a horror game in VR was amazing! Rupert and Martine were arguing over which was better: the UK or France. They asked Nicky for her thoughts, then remembered that she was passed out. (I'm pretty sure that Littleby is a city-turned-country. A LITTLE country, but still. Oh God, I can just HEAR Nicky's phone make that stupid ba-dum-tsss noise.) As for Gloria? She was crying at a video of Sammy that Alex showed her. Gabriel was the designated driver, so he was ok. And me? I was recording the whole thing... Then I put the phone down and danced to the music. Turns out that I really can't dance when I'm drunk. The rest of us were messes, and the Chief's not gonna let us live it down.

So yeah. Yesterday was something. I have a killer hangover and so does Alex, so we're gonna nap some more. Yay, for no work! Sammy better not wake us up... I'd say goodnight, but this is the morning. Ugh.

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A/N: FINALLY I AM BACK! I said 5 days... THIS WAS NOT 5 DAYS. So sorry.

Doctor Who obsession came for my arse and kidnapped me. That and I just didn't know what to write for this chapter until my brain said "Screw you, Numbers! I'm sick of waiting!" and spat this out.

Sorry if it's kinda crap. I'm not a good Cathy writer, but I tried! Of course, constructive criticism would be noice.

Also, I did NO ANGST! (Well, I sorta referenced Nathan's death, but not for long!)

The next one will have some angst, knowing me and who it's about. But when will I do something about my main OC, Nicola Payne? Who knows. Me. Kinda. And I will have a Payne chapter eventually.

Hopefully the next chapter won't take almost a month... Whoops. At least I have a vague idea for it, so yay.

And if you have an more ideas/requests, I'll put them in this collection. Eventually. I am slowwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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