Valentine Bridges, Person Of Interest

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C/W: References to death and murder.

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Welcome to the T.I.M.E. Persons Of Interest Archives, Agent Amy Crane. You are at Clearance Level 3. Who would you like to look at?

> Valentine Bridges

WARNING: Your Clearance is not high enough to see everything. Clearance Level 5 is required. Data will be redacted. You can make a request to Chief Scott to improve your Clearance Level.

> I've met her before, I know who she is!

This message will be sent to Chief Scott. Please feel free to read the log about POI #0082.

POI #0082: "Valentine Bridges"

Date of Birth: [DATA REDACTED]

Place of Birth: Lake Dux District, Littleby, Timeline-0002

Date of Death: 15th March, 2029

Place of Death: New Cairo, Ptolemy Dynasty, Timeline-0157

Age at Death: 57

Timeline of Origin: [DATA REDACTED]



Aliases: [DATA REDACTED], Valentine "Val" Bridges, The Ghost Whisperer, The Time Walker, The Lone One, The Reaper of Littleby, The Enemy of the Shadows.

Description: "Valentine Bridges" (Hereafter referred to as #0082) is a woman of muscular build (We do not know if her gender is the same as her biological sex, but reports say that she refers to herself as a woman and with she/her pronouns.). We are unable to gauge her weight, but we assume that with her height of 6'6", she must weigh approximately 200 lbs.

#0082 has white hair. It is slightly wavy, and is of a short length, usually styled as a 'pixie cut'. Her eye colour is ever-changing. This is due to contact lenses, or perhaps an alien/supernatural ability. They are usually dark shades, such as grey, brown, or navy blue. Sometimes, her eyes are [DATA REDACTED]. Her skin is pale.

#0082 tends to wear dark clothing. When she does wear colours, they are usually red, orange, or yellow. Blue is less common. Occasionally, white is seen in her outfits. She tends to wear long coats, or even cloaks, that are tattered at the ends. Or, occasionally, a dark hoodie. She often wears long boots and fingerless gloves. She also wears her stolen T.I.M.E. Quick-Time-Hop wristwatch, created in 2037 in Timeline-0002, a timeline where T.I.M.E. was not dissolved in 2032. She usually uses a hood to cover her face.

However, one report from Timeline-0003 describes her as looking "elderly, and wearing a red Little Grim Badgers t-shirt and blue jeans". This happened in 1999. This would suggest that this is one of her final appearances before her death in Timeline-0157. Another report comes from Timeline-0001, where she is described as "a tall, strong, masculine figure in a dark suit". This is when #0082 travelled to Concordia in the 19th century. She disguised herself as a man to fit in with the times.

She looked different in her previous identities, though she resembles her original identity as Valentine Bridges. #0082 stated that it was necessary, as her younger self met her as Valentine Bridges and remembered the events.


#0082 was born in the year [DATA REDACTED] to her parents, [DATA REDACTED] and [DATA REDACTED].

At the ages of 18 and 20, #0082 had [DATA REDACTED].

Starting from age 20, #0082 started her career as a police officer in [DATA REDACTED].

#0082 met her future wife, [DATA REDACTED], in 2009, during her time with [DATA REDACTED].

In 2015, #0082 returned to Littleby to get married, and changed her surname to [DATA REDACTED].

Starting from 2015, the organisation known as [DATA REDACTED] started to chase after other members of #0082's family. They were all killed.

In 2016, #0082's friends were killed.

In 2017, #0082's wife was killed, and she was alone. She started to work for [DATA REDACTED], however; they were destroyed. But not before she erased all records of her existence from their files. Her foes forgot who she was, and she changed her identity to [DATA REDACTED].

#0082 received her stolen Quick-Time-Hop in 2018 from her future self after her death in 2029. This was in order to keep her time loop stable.

Starting from 2018, #0082 began travelling through time to see versions of her loved ones once again, alive and well.

At the age of 39, the T.I.M.E. from Timeline-0002 began to chase after #0082.

T.I.M.E.-0002 was destroyed by other versions of T.I.M.E. after the Timeline-0001 Agents managed to return to their home timeline. This happened in 2028, but one time machine remained so the timelines could remain stable.

At the age of 40, #0082 faked her death, stopping T.I.M.E.-007 from chasing after her. After this, she changed her identity again and became known as "Valentine Bridges".

#0082 continued to travel through time, but became known for leaving roses of various colours at the graves of the dead.

This relates to the Littlian view on roses after its first serial killer, the Rosy Revenger, back in the 19th century. They left roses with their victims shortly before their deaths. In Littleby, roses are a symbol that means death, though over the years, it became less of a grim and more of a mourning symbol.

This time, #0082 didn't just observe the alternate versions of her friends, but helped them. For example, in Timeline-0003, she helped [DATA REDACTED] realise his gender identity and assisted in giving him a new name. In Timeline-0003 she talked to the ghost of [DATA REDACTED] and helped her move on.

At the age of 57, #0082 visited Timeline-0157's 2029. She died from [DATA REDACTED]. A T.I.M.E.-0002 operative and a T.I.M.E.-0001 operative were both witnesses to her death.

After #0082's death, the operatives from Timeline-0001 were able to give the Quick-Time-Hop to Timeline-0002 operatives. Those operatives then left it with the #0082 from Timeline-0002's 2018.

Motive for making #0082 a POI:

She has knowledge from many alternate timelines. It is also a lesson to protect your timelines version of #0082 and her loved ones, or there could be more "Valentine Bridges" out there. Be careful.

> I won't let the same happen to my timeline's version of "Valentine"... For the sake of so many people...

This message will be sent to Chief Scott. Would you like to look at anything else?

> Nebet

There are many POIs by that name. Please specify.

>Nefertiti, Timeline-0156. Became a Princess in Timeline-0157.

As you were a key witness to this POI's crimes, it is suggested that you do not look for the sake of your own mental health. It is unlikely that you will learn anything new.

> ...Log off.

Thank you for using the T.I.M.E. Persons Of Interest Archives, Agent Amy Crane. And congratulations on your 10-year wedding anniversary – according to your local time zone. It is recommended that you spend time with your spouse. Have a good day.

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AN: Ever been curious about Valentine? Well, here's a bit of information. And Amy, as a Team Coordinator in T.I.M.E. is very curious. And she's met Val? How?

Well, we'll see their first meeting one day...

But yeah. It's VALENTINE'S DAY, so I did a little thingy about Val. Lots of info is redacted, but I've decided that she will make appearances in the rewrite, so questions will eventually be answered.

As for my next one-shot... Please have patience, I'm not good at having a schedule. It'll probably be about certain members of the teams meeting up. Oh boy!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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