Chapter 1

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March 2021, Kaori POV

It's been 2 months since we debuted and honestly, I now realize the pressure of being an idol. It gets hard working with schedules and school, but I do my best to manage it all. I was on my way to school and ran into Niki since we currently go to the same school. "Hey, dummy, I bet you're gonna do horrible in school since you've barely debuted," Niki said. "Actually for your information, I always have the highest score in the class and if you don't believe me, just wait, this school year, you'll come crying to me for help," I told him. "Ok then, we'll see about that loser," he said sticking his tongue out. "Tch whatever," I said. God, he's so annoying. He's always teasing me and making fun of me. If he passes by me, he'll always have something dumb to say. It hurts though when he makes fun of me for having no friends since I'm from Japan and have no friends at school. I suddenly got a call from Ivy unnie so I answered.

Kaori "Hello?"

Ivy Unnie "Hey, did you make sure to take the lunch I packed for you?"

Kaori "Yes unnie I did and thank you for it"

Ivy Unnie "Of course, anything for our little maknae"

Kaori "Unnie we have a 3-year difference I'm not that little"

Ivy Unnie "To me, you'll always be little, anyways I gotta go I have to go start working on our next album with Sowon unnie. Make sure to eat your lunch and try to make some good and reliable friends."

Kaori "Okay unnie I will, bye now"

Ivy Unnie "Bye cutie. Have a good first day of school!"

Man, I'm really thankful for Ivy unnie. If I had a second mom it would be her since she always takes care of me. She'll always listen to me rant about my problems, she made me homemade Japanese food just like how my mom would and she speaks Japanese with me which was really helpful back when I was a trainee and knew only a little Korean. I finally arrived at school and went to my class. "Okay everyone when I call out your name answer so that I know that you are here and so I can assign your seats for the rest of the year," the teacher said. He called most of the names and it finally came to mine so I answered. " will be seated next to Riki over there," he said as he pointed to the seat next to Niki's. Just great. "I'm gonna make the rest of your school year a living hell so good luck loner," he said smirking. God how I wanna smack the shit out of him.

A few hours later

It was finally lunchtime so I went to find a table and took out the lunch Ivy unnie made me. "Sitting by yourself Kaori the loner?" Niki said as he and his friends laughed. "And? What's wrong with being alone?" I said. "It makes you look like a freak," he whispered in my ear then flicked my forehead. "It's better to have no friends than to have dumb and useless ones unlike someone I know," I said. He finally left and I continues eating. "Oh, Kaori! Hii!" Sunoo sunbaenim said. "Oh, hello sunbaenim," I said bowing as I greeted him. "Ohhh, please no need for that terminology, oppa is fine," he said. "Oh alright then Sunoo oppa," I said. "Is anyone sitting here?" he asked. "No, go ahead have a seat," I said. "Sweet! Have you made any friends yet?" he asked. "No, not really. Niki keeps teasing me for not having any and it's getting really annoying. What's worse is that I'm seatmates with him in class," I said. "Yeah, he can be annoying at times but don't let him get to you. Oh also the other day I noticed that our group's dorms are right by each other," he said. "Yeah, I noticed too," I said. "We should go get ice cream together after school if you're not busy," he suggested. "Sure! Sounds good," I said.

We talked some more and before we knew it lunch was over. I returned to class and got a bunch of work done and after a couple of hours, school was over. I waited for Sunoo Oppa at the front so we can go but unfortunately, Niki was with him. "Hey, Kaori ready to go?" he asked. "Yep," I said. "Okay then we'll be off Niki you can go back to the dorms with Jay hyung who should be here by now," Sunoo oppa said. "Where are you two going?" Niki asked sounding annoyed. "We're going to get ice cream," Sunoo oppa said. "I wanna come," Niki said. Sunoo looked over at me and I gave him the "it's okay" face. "So what's happening here?" Jay oppa said as he came towards us. "We're going to get ice cream," Sunoo oppa said. "I've actually been craving some lately so I'll join you guys and it'll be my treat," he said.

We got our ice creams and thanked Jay for paying. "It's nice having a rich hyung," Sunoo oppa said. "Yah! Don't be expecting me to pay for every one of your things," he said as we all laughed. "What about you Kaori? Who's your richest unnie and do your unnies pay for you often?" Jay oppa asked. "The richest would probably be Ivy unnie and Lily unnie and usually I try to pay but they never let me which annoys me," I said. "See at least she offers to pay unlike you two," he jokingly said. After we finished, we all went our separate ways. I went to Ivy unnies studio to record some stuff then went to our dorm to sleep.

 I went to Ivy unnies studio to record some stuff then went to our dorm to sleep

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