Chapter 15

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A month later

Kaori POV

Today I had dance practice so I dressed and left for the company.

(The fit)

As soon as I went in we started and practiced for hours

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As soon as I went in we started and practiced for hours. I mastered the choreo in 15 minutes and helped my unnies with the steps. I broke them down so they would understand better. When we got a break, I went to visit Niki in the studio. "Sup shawty," I jokingly said. "Sup mommy," he said. "Yah!" I said as he started laughing his ass off. "Okay bye," I said. "Wait what? Why are you going already?" he asked. "I just wanted to see you while I had a break," I said. "At least gimme a kiss before you go," he said. "Nope," I said. "You do realize that I barely ask for kisses and you're rejecting the one and only Nishimura Riki. There are a billion girls who wanna kiss me and you're here reje-," he said but I cut him off pressing my lips on his. "There happy?" I asked. "Very but I want one more," he said as he came down for another.

"Niki and Kaori sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Sunoo oppa and Jungwon both chanted. "Holy shit you scared me," I said. "Sorry, but as a leader, I must take our maknae from you. We have some more recording to do and it is his turn," Jungwon oppa said. "Ugh fine. I'll see you at home. Bye shorty," he jokingly said. "Bye bye sweet cheeks," I jokingly said back. "Ewww do you really call each other that?" Sunoo oppa asked. "No we play around most of the time," I answered.

A few hours later

Once I finished practice, I decided to go grocery shopping since our fridge is on the verge of being empty. I was sore from the dancing and I worked out with Ivy unnie too. As I entered the store, I saw Eunchae and Yunjin unnie. I went to greet them and we ended up doing our shopping together. "You're legs sure seem shaky. Are you okay?" Yunjin unnie asked. "Yeah I'm fine I'm just very sore from dance practice and working out," I said. "Wow you're really working hard unnie," Eunchae said. "Yep! Can't disappoint the fans," I said. We talked and shopped some more until we parted ways.

I came home and set the groceries on the table. As I was putting them away I got a call from my mom so I answered. "Hello?" I said. "KAORI YOUR FATHER DIED!" my mom wailed over the phone. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? TELL ME YOU'RE LYING!" I said crying. She was silent for a few seconds. I heard her sobs through the phone which means she wasn't lying. "He got into a car crash and he.....................didn't make it," she said crying. As soon as she said that I started to ball my eyes out. "I-It's my fault. If only I didn't ask him to get food today," she said crying. "Mom please don't blame yourself for this. It wasn't your fault," I said. "Do you think you can come home for a month at least?" my mom asked. "I'll let my boss know and I'll book a flight for tomorrow," I said. "Okay, my sweet daughter. Stay well and healthy. I'll see you soon," my mom said. "You too mommy," I said as the call ended.

I grabbed the nearest blade and went to the bathroom. I started to cut myself again. I did stop at one point but it started again. I cut the skin on my arms and near my ribs. I cried and cried enough tears to fill a tub.

Niki POV

After our recording session, I immediately went home. I opened the door and didn't see Kaori. "Kaori? Where are you?" I said. I heard crying coming from the bathroom. I went and tried opening the door but it was locked. "Kaori open the door," I said. There was no answer, just crying. I felt something wet on my feet. I looked down to see blood. "KAORI OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" I shouted. Still no response. I ran and grabbed the emergency key and opened the door to find her crying covered in bloody cuts. I immediately went into panic mode. "Who did this to you? What happened?" I asked. No response. I looked over to find a blade lying in her hand. I carried her out of the bathroom and sat her on the counter. I grabbed the first aid kit and treated her cuts. She was still crying and refused to say anything. I'm very confused at the moment and very worried for her but she will open up about it eventually.

Once I treated her cuts, I carried her to the couch and sat her on my lap. She turned around, wrapped her legs around me, and hugged me sobbing. After 10 minutes she calmed down and finally decided to talk. "You have a lot of explaining to do," I said. "I know," she said looking down.

Kaori POV

I started explaining the call with my mom and the cuts. He started crying too hearing the news. "Why would you hurt yourself though? It hurts me to see you hurt. How long have you been cutting yourself for?" he asked. "Since last year," I said looking down. I couldn't even look into his eyes. "I'll always be here for you no matter what. If you're going through a hard time please don't suffer alone. Let me know right away so we can talk about it. I can't stand seeing you like this it pains me Kaori," he said sobbing. "I know, I'm sorry," I said crying. "Promise me that you'll never cut yourself again," he said holding out his pinky. "I promise," I said.

 "I promise," I said

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