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Jake yawns as he walks out of his room after putting on some fresh new clothes. Showering really did him good but now he's getting tired, even tho it's still midday. He dries his hair with a towel and gets over to the living room, seeing only Heeseung.

"Where are the others...??"

"I kicked them out for now, as i said we need to talk." Heeseung says and it feels like Jake's stomach turns around. He already had a bad feeling about it but the tone of Heeseung's voice makes it scarier. Jake just nods and wants to sit down but Heeseung pulls him closer.

"I wanna warn you. If you'll continue with what you're doing now you're not gonna make it. You said it's your dream right?? Then fight harder because now i really don't see how they picked you. We've had rank D people before but you're by far the worst. Man up and do what you need to do. We train the best of the best bodyguards here and if you fall under that then you're gone. Be happy you have 3 months but if there's no development then bye bye."

"I've never done any of this... i'm just trying and doing my best... doesn't that show how motivated i am to be here...?"

"We like motivation but you really need to have a good figure, good stamina and do all of these tasks. We're talking Sunoo at the end of the day, our prince who's being targeted for his whole life. We don't wanna lose him so we need bodyguards who can protect him."

"I get that but-"

"We don't use but. Will you fight harder now?? I don't wanna warn you again, you're wasting my time" Heeseung says and rolls his eyes for a bit, Jake noticing that of course. Jake just nods and Heeseung lets him go, after noticing that they were pretty close to each other. He looks at Jake and sighs. "Got carried away, don't ask."

"Carried away in what...?"

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝘁 • 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗷𝗮𝗸𝗲Where stories live. Discover now